sage on the stage


A sage on the stage

Alternative forms




sage on the stage (plural sages on the stage or sages on stages)

  1. (education, sometimes mildly derogatory) An educator, especially at the postsecondary level, who imparts knowledge by lecturing to an audience; the method of imparting knowledge used by such an educator.
    • 1981 August 6, “‘Gifted Students’ Classes Offered”, in Harlan Daily Enterprise, USA, retrieved 1 Sept 2013, page 5:
      Mrs. Johnson said the teacher for the gifted and talented will be more of a "guide on the side" rather than a "sage on the stage."
    • 2006 August 25, Nina Vizcarrondo, “Sci-Fi Today, Sci-Fact Tomorrow”, in Time, retrieved 1 Sept 2013:
      Case Western has always been an advocate of what Williams calls the "sage on the stage versus the guide on the side" learning method.
    • 2011 December 15, Robert D. Dinerstein, “Limitations to the Method”, in New York Times, retrieved 1 Sept 2013:
      But the limitations of the method as usually employed — . . . its fostering of passivity on the part of those students not involved in the dialogue, and its privileging of the professor as the sage on the stage — are serious impediments.

See also
