Russian edit

Etymology edit

пере- (pere-) +‎ ме́на (ména)

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): [pʲɪrʲɪˈmʲenə]
  • (file)

Noun edit

переме́на (pereménaf inan (genitive переме́ны, nominative plural переме́ны, genitive plural переме́н, diminutive переме́нка)

  1. a qualitative change, shift, alternation, changeover (brought about either from within or from without)
    переме́на обстано́вкиpereména obstanóvkia change of environment
    вре́мя переме́нvrémja pereména time of change
  2. (education) a recess (a break, intermission between lessons for rest or play, typically short)
    больша́я переме́наbolʹšája pereménaa longer recess, typically of 30 minutes (literally, “big break”)
  3. a set of changeable clothing
  4. (archaic) a course during a meal

Declension edit