Chinese edit

to be careful of something; to mind; to beware of cautious; prudent; orderly
trad. (小心翼翼) 小心 翼翼
simp. #(小心翼翼) 小心 翼翼

Etymology edit

Occurred a few times in the Classic of Poetry, for example, poem 236 (《詩經·大雅·大明》):

[Pre-Classical Chinese, trad.]
[Pre-Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Classic of Poetry, c. 11th – 7th centuries BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
Wéi cǐ Wénwáng, xiǎoxīn yìyì.
Zhāo shì Shàngdì, yù huái duō fú.
This king Wen, Watchfully and reverently,
With entire intelligence served God, And so secured the great blessing.

Pronunciation edit

Idiom edit


  1. cautious; prudent; wary; with great care; cautiously