See also: 释放 and 釈放

Chinese edit

explain; to release
to release; to free; to let go
to release; to free; to let go; to put; to place; to let out
trad. (釋放)
simp. (释放)

Pronunciation edit

Verb edit


  1. (literally, figuratively) to release; to set free; to liberate
    無罪釋放无罪释放  ―  wúzuì shìfàng  ―  to acquit
    開心時候朋友內心情緒釋放一下 [MSC, trad.]
    开心时候朋友内心情绪释放一下 [MSC, simp.]
    Rén bù kāixīn de shíhòu, zhǎo zhǎo péngyou, liáo liáo tiān, shuō shuō huà, bǎ nèixīn de qíngxù shìfàng yīxià, jiù huì hǎo hěn duō le. [Pinyin]
    If you're unhappy, catch up with your friends for a chat, and vent your feelings. You will feel much better.

Synonyms edit