Greenlandic edit

Etymology edit

From Proto-Inuit *aɣla-ɣ- (letter, decorative drawing, write), from Proto-Eskimo *alŋa-(ʁ) (letter, drawing, write). Compare allak (stripe, patter, mark) and allappoq (writes).

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit


  1. letter, post
    • 2002, Stephen Hammeken, Harry Potter Ujarallu Inuunartoq, Nuuk: Atuakkiorfik, translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J. K. Rowling, →ISBN, page 19:
      "Illu taanna massakkut Harrymut isumannaannersaavoq," Dumbledore aalajangersimarpalulluni oqarpoq. "Akkaavata atsaatalu perorpat sunik tamanik nassuiaassinnaanngussavaat. Allakkatigut nassuiaappakka."
      "Allakkat?" Professor McGonagall uperinnippasinnani oqarpoq naatsiiviullu qarmaanut iigarluni. "Tusaalaariarit, Dumbledore. Isumaqarpit taakku tamaasa allakkani nassuiarsinnaassallugit?..."
      "It's the best place for him," said Dumbledore firmly. "His aunt and uncle will be able to explain everything to him when he's older. I've written them a letter.
      "A letter?" repeated Professor McGonagall faintly, sitting back down on the wall. "Really, Dumbledore, you think you can explain all this in a letter?..."

Derived terms edit

References edit