See also: eyepopper

English edit

Noun edit

eye-popper (plural eye-poppers)

  1. (informal) Something that is eye-popping; a surprising spectacle.
    • 2013, Chuck D'Imperio, Unknown Museums of Upstate New York: A Guide to 50 Treasures:
      This custom limousine is an eye-popper. Mrs. Wilber had it tricked out with all the latest amenities of the era.
  2. A toy consisting of a small dome-shaped piece of rubber etc. that can be inverted and then loudly pops back into its original shape.
    • 2008, Candace Sams, Electra Galaxy's Mr. Interstellar Feller, page 256:
      [] looked like one of those eye-popper toys one could squeeze to relieve stress.