Indonesian edit

Alternative forms edit

Etymology edit

Affixed duduk +‎ ke- -an, inherited from Malay kedudukan, from Classical Malay kedudukan.

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): /kə.du.ˈdʊ
  • Rhymes: -an
  • Hyphenation: kê‧du‧duk‧an

Noun edit

kêdudukan (plural kedudukan-kedudukan, first-person possessive kedudukanku, second-person possessive kedudukanmu, third-person possessive kedudukannya)

  1. residency
  2. position
  3. level
  4. status
  5. (law) standing: the right of a party to bring a legal action, based on the relationship between that party and the matter to which the action relates.

Further reading edit