Yakut edit

Etymology edit

From быс (bıs, to cut). In a similar semantic vein, Latin caedō (I cut) ultimately led to English precisely.

Adverb edit

быһа (bıha)

  1. directly, straight
    Synonyms: оруобуна (oruobuna, exactly, precisely), чуо (cuo, directly, straight)
    быһа аасbıha aasgo right through
    быһа барbıha bargo straight ahead

Derived terms edit

Postposition edit

быһа (bıha)

  1. (with acc.) during (a day or longer)
    Synonyms: быстыҥа (bıstıña), устата (ustata)
    үс хонугу быһаüs qonugu bıhafor three days
    күнү быһаkünü bıhaduring the day
    ыйы быһаıyı bıhathroughout the month