Russian edit

Etymology edit

Путин (Putin) +‎ -изм (-izm)

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit

путини́зм (putinízmm inan (genitive путини́зма, uncountable)

  1. (politics) Putinism (the political policies of Vladimir Putin)
  2. (informal) (partisan) joking characterization of Vladimir Putin supporters as if they are having a disease called "путинизм", sounding much like some officially recognized diseases, ex. aneurysm
    Погова́ривают, что Путини́зм головно́го мо́зга э́то стра́шное заболева́ние, кото́рое не поддаётся лече́нию.Pogovárivajut, što Putinízm golovnóvo mózga éto strášnoje zabolevánije, kotóroje ne poddajótsja lečéniju.They say that putinism of the brain is an incurable condition.

Declension edit

Descendants edit

  • Armenian: պուտինիզմ (putinizm)