See also: がばん


For pronunciation and definitions of かばん – see the following entry.
[noun] [from 1877] a bag, satchel, briefcase, or handbag (often made of leather or canvas)
(This term, かばん (kaban), is the hiragana spelling of the above term.)
For a list of all kanji read as かばん, see Category:Japanese kanji read as かばん.)
For pronunciation and definitions of かばん – see the following entries.
[noun] an official title in the Edo shogunate of assistant guards, who assisted Osaka guards and Sunpu guards in guarding a castle when there was a shortage of people
[noun] finishing one's duties (in the military, etc)
[verb] finish one's duties (in the military, etc)
(This term, かばん (kaban), is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)
For a list of all kanji read as かばん, see Category:Japanese kanji read as かばん.)