See also: けいしょう

Japanese edit

For pronunciation and definitions of けいじょう – see the following entries.
[noun] shape
[noun] budgeting, adding up
[noun] appropriation
[verb] to add up
[verb] to appropriate
[noun] execution ground; place to be killed, especially of convicts
[noun] [from 706] the emperor's residence, the imperial palace
[noun] [from 706] the capital, especially within an empire
[proper noun] [1910–1945] (historical) (Japanese colonial era) Seoul, also known as Gyeongseong (the Korean reading of these same Chinese characters) and Keijō
(This term, けいじょう, is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)

(The following entries are uncreated: 傾城, 経常, 警杖, 啓上, 景状, 警乗, 景情, 敬譲.)