See also: 起飞

Chinese edit

to rise; to raise; to get up to fly
trad. (起飛)
simp. (起飞)
anagram 飛起飞起

Pronunciation edit

Verb edit


  1. (of an aircraft etc.) to take off; to depart
    起飛40分鐘停止辦理乘機手續 [MSC, trad.]
    起飞40分钟停止办理乘机手续 [MSC, simp.]
    Qǐfēi qián sìshí fēnzhōng tíngzhǐ bànlǐ chéngjī shǒuxù. [Pinyin]
    Check-in closes 40 minutes before departure.
  2. (figuratively) to take off; to bloom; to flourish; to grow

Synonyms edit