Japanese edit

Kanji in this term
Grade: S
Alternative spellings

Etymology edit

Likely from Old Japanese, compound of (さか) (saka, reverse) + (のぼ) (noboru, ascend, go up). (Can this(+) etymology be sourced?)

Pronunciation edit

  • Tokyo pitch accent of conjugated forms of "遡る"
Source: Online Japanese Accent Dictionary
Stem forms
Terminal (終止形)
Attributive (連体形)
遡る かのぼ [sàkánóbóꜜrù]
Imperative (命令形) 遡れ かのぼ [sàkánóbóꜜrè]
Key constructions
Passive 遡られる かのぼられ [sàkánóbóráréꜜrù]
Causative 遡らせる かのぼらせ [sàkánóbóráséꜜrù]
Potential 遡れる かのぼれ [sàkánóbóréꜜrù]
Volitional 遡ろう かのぼろ [sàkánóbóróꜜò]
Negative 遡らない かのぼらない [sàkánóbóráꜜnàì]
Negative perfective 遡らなかった かのぼらなかった [sàkánóbóráꜜnàkàttà]
Formal 遡ります かのぼりま [sàkánóbórímáꜜsù]
Perfective 遡った かのぼった [sàkánóbóꜜttà]
Conjunctive 遡って かのぼって [sàkánóbóꜜttè]
Hypothetical conditional 遡れば かのぼれば [sàkánóbóꜜrèbà]

Verb edit

(さかのぼ) (sakanoboruintransitive godan (stem (さかのぼ) (sakanobori), past (さかのぼ)った (sakanobotta))

  1. go back, extend back (in time), stretch back
    kongen ni sakanobotte kangaeru
    (please add an English translation of this example)
  2. advance against the flow of water; go upstream (Can we verify(+) this sense?)
    • c. 759, Man’yōshū, book 20, poem 4461:
      , text here
      保里江欲利(ほりえより)美乎(みを)左香能保流(さかのぼる)(かぢの)(おと)()麻奈久曽奈良波(まなくぞならは)古非之可利家留(こひしかりける) [Man'yōgana]
      (ほり)()より水脈(みを)さかのぼる(かぢ)(おと)()なくぞ奈良(なら)(こひ)しかりける [Modern spelling]
      horie yori mio sakanoboru kaji no oto no manaku zo Nara wa koishikarikeru
      Like the oars' noise going up the current from the [Naniwa] channel, so without interval I have come to long for the capital of Nara![2]

Conjugation edit

References edit

  1. ^ Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 (in Japanese), Third edition, Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  2. ^ Jan Lodewijk Pierson, Jr. (1963) The Manyôśû Translated and Annotated, Book XX, Brill Archive, page 166