
Latest comment: 15 years ago by DCDuring in topic Etymology

Dutch pronunciation


Is the Dutch pronunciation /slaɳ/ or /slaŋ/? "ɳ" is a bit like the "ny" sound in "onion", while "ŋ" is the "ng" sound in the English word "slang". I have no knowledge of Dutch but it could be an error. — Paul G 16:17, 22 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Apart from the vowel, it's pronounced like English ‘slang’. The vowel is like in ‘father’, but shorter, so an /ɑ/ not an /a/. — This unsigned comment was added by (talk).



A thought on etymology: I found myself in need of a name for likely-sounding words created on the spot to describe things when I can't think of a proper word; being of quick mind, I picked "pseudolanguage" this is almost as awkward to say as it is to type, so I tried to shorten it, several iterations later I arrived at "pslang". seeing as leading "p" is usually silent, I ended up right back at "slang". Your thoughts? {LSH}

Such a word is technically a nonce. -dmh 19:28, 14 Jan 2005 (UTC)



Do we really want to say "tramps"?? -dmh 19:28, 14 Jan 2005 (UTC)

German "Umgangssprache"


Actually "Umgangssprache" in German does NOT mean slang or dialect, but the language in everyday use. So just the opposite of what was stated here earlier. For the term "slang" Germans also officially use the English word "slang". Well, first letter capitalized of course ;)

(beeing a native German speaker myself, I stumbled over this entry when looking up some UK slang expression). Guido (from Krefeld/Germany)



I've heared that the word slang came from the combination "soldier's language" -- 19:01, 6 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

See Online Etymology Dictionary] for why we say "unknown". DCDuring TALK 21:19, 15 May 2009 (UTC)Reply
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