Catching unescaped pipes

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Kephir

Yes, {{rfv-failed|<span class=foo>quux</span>xyz|bar}} would also fail to be caught (it should be noticeable visually, though). I fear some performance problems with that solution, though. Maybe add it to ugly hacks for now.

Keφr17:37, 16 August 2014

I added a check_for_extra_args function to Module:ugly hacks (I haven't tested it yet). I don't see why the performance would be bad at all (the slowest part would probably just be loading the module), especially since these archive templates tend not to be transcluded too many times on one page.

WikiTiki8918:28, 16 August 2014

In this instance probably not. However, I think it would not be necessarily desirable to use it very widely either. I think it defeats lazy template argument expansion, for one.

Maybe one could ask at bugzilla: for some "unused arguments tracking" functionality for use in modules.

Keφr19:51, 16 August 2014

Well the only purpose I really intended it for was the archive templates, so I agree it shouldn't be used anywhere else.

WikiTiki8913:25, 17 August 2014