User:Atitarev/Arabic stories

al-ʿamal ḵayr mina 'l-biṭala

jāʾa rajul ilā 'n-nabī wa-qāla lahu: yā rasūla 'llāh innī faqīr wa-lā ajid ṭaʿāman uṭʿim awlādī wa-ʿāʾilatī, fa-sāʿid-nī.

fa-aʿṭā-hu an-nabī faʾsan wa-qāla lahu:

iḏhab ilā 'l-ḡāba wa-'jmaʿ(i) 'l-ḥaṭab ṯumma 'rjaʿ ilayya.

ḏahaba 'l-rajul ilā 'l-ḡāba wa-jamaʿa ḥuzman mina 'l-ḥaṭab ṯumma bāʿa-hā wa-'štarā li-awlādi-hi ṭaʿāman wa-ṯiyāban.

wa-ʿindamā rajaʿa ilā 'n-nabī qāla lahu 'n-nabī:

kull ʿamal, mahmā kāna basīṭan, ḵayr min ʾan yaqʿud al-marʾu yaškū 'l-faqr wa-yantaẓiru 'ṣ-ṣadaqa.

العمل خير من البطالة

جاء رجل إلى النبي وقال له:

يا رسول الله إني فقير ولا أجد طعامًا أطعم أولادي وعائلتي، فساعدني.

فأعطاه النبي فأساً وقال له:

إذهب إلى الغابة وإجماع الحطب ثم ارجع إلي.

ذهب الرجل إلى الغابة وجمع حزمًا من الحطب ثم باعها واشترى لأولاده طعامًا وثياباً. وعندما رجع إلى النبي قال له النبي:

كل عمل، مهما كان بسيطًا، خير من أن يقعد المرء يشكو الفقر وينتظر الصدقة.

Being employed is better than being unemployed

A man came to the prophet and said to him: O messenger of God, I am poor and I cannot find food to feed my children and my family, (so) help me.

So the prophet gave him an axe and said to him, "Go to the forest and gather firewood, and then return to me." The man went to the forest and gathered a bundle of firewood and then sold it and bought his children food and clothes. When he went back to the Prophet, the Prophet said to him: All work, no matter how simple, is better than sitting around complaining about poverty and waiting for charity.

  1. جُحَا وَالشُّرْطِي (juḥā wa-š-šurṭī)
  2. خَرَجَ جُحَا مِنْ بَيْتِهِ فِي مُنْتَصَفِ اللَيْل يَدُور فِي الشَّوَارِع فَصَادَفَهُ شُرْطِي وَسَأَلَهُ: (ḵaraja juḥā min bayti-hi fī muntaṣafi l-layl yadūr fī š-šawāriʿ fa-ṣādafa-hu šurṭī wa-saʾala-hu:)
  3. مَاذَا تَفْعَل فِي الشَّارِع فِي مُنْتَصَفِ اللَيْل؟ (māḏā tafʕal fī š-šāriʕ fī muntaṣafi l-layl?)
  4. فَرَدَّ جُحَا: (fa-radda juḥā:)
  5. هَرَبَ نَوْمِي وَأَنَا أُفَتِّشُ عَنْهُ‎ (haraba nawmī wa-ʾanā ʾufattišu ʿan-hu)
  1. Juha and the policeman
  2. Juha came out of his house in the middle of the night and was walking the streets and a policeman met him and asked him:
  3. What do you do in the street in the middle of the night?
  4. And Juha replied:
  5. My sleep fled and I am searching for it.