User:I'm so meta even this acronym/Icelandic customs declaration

May be opened officially
opna í embættisnafni
Part to be detached if the item is accompanied by a customs declaration, otherwise to be filled out. Hluti sem rifa skal frá, ef sendingunni fylgja tollskýrslur. Fyllist annars út.
Detailed description of content. Lýsing á innihaldi
Value (Customs) Tollvirði
Specify the currency. Í hvaða mynt?
Net Weight Nettóþyngd
Total value Virði alls
Gift Gjöf
Mercandise Sýnishorn
I certify that this item does not contain any dangerous article prohibited by postal regulation. Signature.   Ég votta þessi böggull inniheldur ekkert hættulegt eða bannaða vöru samkvæmt póstreglugerðum. Undirskrift.