en This user is a native speaker of English.
he-3 משתמש זה מסוגל לתרום ברמה מתקדמת של עברית.
la-1 Hic usuarius simplici lingua latina conferre potest.
grc-1 Ὅδε ἐγκυκλοπαιδειουργὸς ὀλίγον ἀρχαίως Ἑλληνιστὶ γράφειν οἷός τ’ ἐστίν.
ang-1 Þes nēotend cann hine seolf mid grundlicgendre mǣþe Englisces ferian.
arc-1 This user is able to contribute in one or more Aramaic languages at a basic level.
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Long-time user, newbie editor.

Student at the University of Sydney, studying for a BA in English Literature and an LLB.

More info to come soon.

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