Greenlandic edit

Etymology edit

arnaq (woman) +‎ -usaq (-like), compare Upper Kuskokwim aranaruaq (an Athabaskan language).

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit


  1. a feminine man
    • 2019, I. Kristiansen, KNR - Eino Taunajik nersornaaserneqartoq: Maajunnartutut taaneqartarpunga[1], archived from the original on 2 February 2021:
      Uanga imaariarama nukappiaraq niviarsiaqqat pigisaannik nuannaartorisaqartoq niviarsiaqqanik kammaqartoq, Eino Taunajik oqarpoq. Tamannalu allanit malugineqartarsimavoq akerartuisoqartarsimallunilu. Ilaanni aqqusinermi pisullunga arlaanit oqarfigineqariataartarpunga soorlu arnaasaq assigisaannilluunniit, maajunnartutut taaneqarlunga.
      I was a boy who loved girl things and had girlfriends, says Eino Taunajik. This was noticed, and there were some who did not hesitate to remind him that he was different. When I walked down the street, some said I was feminine or the like, that I was disgusting, he says.

Declension edit

Further reading edit