Ingrian edit

Etymology edit

From lehmä (cow) +‎ -uri.

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit


  1. Synonym of lehmäpaimen

Declension edit

Declension of lehmuri (type 5/vahti, no gradation)
singular plural
nominative lehmuri lehmurit
genitive lehmurin lehmuriin, lehmuriloin
partitive lehmuria lehmurija, lehmuriloja
illative lehmurii lehmurii, lehmuriloihe
inessive lehmuriis lehmuriis, lehmurilois
elative lehmurist lehmuriist, lehmuriloist
allative lehmurille lehmuriille, lehmuriloille
adessive lehmuriil lehmuriil, lehmuriloil
ablative lehmurilt lehmuriilt, lehmuriloilt
translative lehmuriks lehmuriiks, lehmuriloiks
essive lehmurinna, lehmuriin lehmuriinna, lehmuriloinna, lehmuriin, lehmuriloin
exessive1) lehmurint lehmuriint, lehmuriloint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.

References edit

  • Ruben E. Nirvi (1971) Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page 257