
English Wikipedia has an article on:



limit point (plural limit points)

  1. (topology) Given a subset S of a given topological space T, any point p whose every neighborhood contains some point, distinct from p, which belongs to S.
    • 1962 [Ginn and Company], Einar Hille, Analytic Function Theory, Volume 2, 2005, American Mathematical Society, page 19,
      The function
      is an example of a function having infinitely many essential singularities with a limit point at  . It is an easy matter to give examples of "elementary" functions whose singularities have a countable number of limit points.
    • 1970 [Macmillan], John W. Dettman, Applied Complex Variables, 1984, Dover, unnumbered page,
      Let   be the set of limit points of a set  . Then the closure   of   is  .
      If   is a limit point of  , then every  -neighborhood of   must contain infinitely many points of  .
    • 2006, Ivan Francis Wilde, Lecture Notes on Complex Analysis, Imperial College Press, page 153:
      As the next example shows, the set of zeros may well have a limit point not belonging to the domain.

Usage notes

  • The point p is called a limit point of S.
  • Importantly, the limit point itself need not belong to S.
    • The union of S and the set of all limit points of S is called the closure (or topological closure) of S.
  • If T is a T₁ space (a broad class that includes Hausdorff spaces and metric spaces), then the set of points in S in each neighborhood of a limit point p is at least countably infinite.





See also


Further reading
