Latin edit

Etymology edit

From per- (very) +‎ ēloquēns (eloquent).

Participle edit

perēloquēns (genitive perēloquentis); third-declension one-termination participle

  1. very eloquent

Adjective edit

Third-declension participle.

Number Singular Plural
Case / Gender Masc./Fem. Neuter Masc./Fem. Neuter
Nominative perēloquēns perēloquentēs perēloquentia
Genitive perēloquentis perēloquentium
Dative perēloquentī perēloquentibus
Accusative perēloquentem perēloquēns perēloquentēs
Ablative perēloquente
Vocative perēloquēns perēloquentēs perēloquentia

1When used purely as an adjective.

  1. This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.

References edit