See also: sawtoothed





saw-toothed (not comparable)

  1. Having a jagged edge like a saw.
    • 1625, Samuel Purchas, chapter 5, in Purchas his Pilgrimes[1], volume 1, book 2, London: Henry Fetherstone, page 79:
      But afterwards three of their Companie were slaine, who in seeking food for life, found death at the hand of naked Sauages, whose weapons were Saw-toothed Darts, which if they entred, must be cut out of the flesh.
    • 1857, Charles Kingsley, chapter 5, in Two Years Ago[2], volume 3, Cambridge: Macmillan, page 135:
      [] everywhere between the poplar stems the saw-toothed outline of the western forts cuts the blue sky.
    • 1929, Dashiell Hammett, chapter 17, in The Dain Curse, New York: Vintage, published 1972, page 149:
      Craning our necks, we could see that what we had taken for the shore-line on that side was actually a high, thin, saw-toothed ledge of rock []
    • 1961 January, G. H. Robin, “Resorts for Railfans - 32: Ayr”, in Trains Illustrated, page 49:
      To the south the landscape changes and the gradient profile immediately becomes saw-toothed, as the line rises and falls with the rolling undulations of this rich farming countryside; [...].
    • 1982, Bernard Malamud, “The Flood”, in God’s Grace[3], New York: Avon, published 1983, page 31:
      Hours later, having brought in the yellow raft laden with supplies to the green shore, then hidden them in the saw-toothed tall grass, an exhausted Cohn followed Buz into the forest.



