See also: 呢个

Chinese edit

woolen material; (question particle) (a measure word); individual
trad. (呢個)
simp. (呢个)
alternative forms 依個依个 (ji1 go3)

Pronunciation edit

Pronoun edit


  1. (Cantonese) this; this one

Usage notes edit

  • (go3) is a classifier. Use + classifier for words that have classifiers. For example, if one were to say "this pair of pants", it would be
[Cantonese]  ―  ni1 tiu4 fu3 [Jyutping]  ―  this pair of pants
and not
** [Cantonese]  ―  * ni1 go3 fu3 [Jyutping]  ―  *this [one] pants
** [Cantonese]  ―  * ni1 go3 tiu4 fu3 [Jyutping]  ―  *this [one] pair pants

Synonyms edit

Interjection edit


  1. (Cantonese) uh; um; er; you know

Usage notes edit

  • Only used before a noun.