Bashkir edit

Etymology edit

Coined in the 20th century.

Usually treated as an acronym of Russian револю́ция (revoljúcija, revolution), нау́ка (naúka, science), те́хника (téxnika, technics), resulting in Ренат (Renat) and then adapted to the Bashkir vowel system.

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): [rʲi.nät]
  • Hyphenation: Ри‧нат

Proper noun edit

Ринат (Rinat)

  1. a male given name
    Ринат Себерҙә вахта ысулы менән эшләй.
    Rinat Seberźə vaxta ısulı menən eşləy.
    Rinat works in West Siberia on a rotating schedule.

Declension edit