Old Church Slavonic




еиже (eiže) (Old East Church Slavonic)

  1. dative feminine singular of иже (iže)
    • 1581, Ostrog Bible, Deuteronomy 17.5:
      Ю҆́наѧ же въ вас̑҇ жена̀ и҆ млада ѕѣ́ло. е҆и҆же нѣсть ѻ҆бы́кла нога̀ еѧ̀ стꙋпа́ти по землѝ ю҆́ности ради и҆ мла́дости.
      he tender and delicate woman among you, which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness