
Bashkir edit

Etymology edit

етешһеҙ (yeteşheź, faulty, deficient) +‎ -лек (-lek).

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): [jɪ̞.tɪ̞ʃ.hɪ̞ðˈlɪ̞k]
  • Hyphenation: е‧теш‧һеҙ‧лек

Noun edit

етешһеҙлек (yeteşheźlek)

  1. disadvantage, drawback, flaw, shortcoming
    Әгәр беренсе килешеүҙең етешһеҙлектәре булмаһа, икенсеһен төҙөүгә ихтыяж тыумаҫ ине. (Hebrews 8:7)
    Əgər berense kileşewźeñ yeteşheźlektəre bulmaha, ikensehen töźöwgə ixtıyaj tıwmaś ine.
    If there were no disadvantages of the first covenant, the need would not have arisen for making the second one.
  2. poverty

Declension edit