Russian edit

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50-мм миномёт

Etymology edit

From ми́на (mína) +‎ -о- (-o-) +‎ -мёт (-mjót), combining form of мета́ть (metátʹ). Calque of German Minenwerfer.

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit

миномёт (minomjótm inan (genitive миномёта, nominative plural миномёты, genitive plural миномётов)

  1. (military) mortar, trench mortar (lightweight, often portable artillery piece which transmits recoil to a base plate)
  2. (historical) rocket launcher (Katyusha and similar World War II-era systems)
    Synonyms: (historical, informal) Катю́ша (Katjúša), (historical) гварде́йский миномёт (gvardéjskij minomjót), (historical) реакти́вный миномёт (reaktívnyj minomjót), (modern term) РСЗО (RSZO), (modern term) реакти́вная систе́ма за́лпового огня́ (reaktívnaja sistéma zálpovovo ognjá)
  3. (obsolete) torpedo tube
    Synonym: (modern term) торпе́дный аппара́т (torpédnyj apparát)

Usage notes edit

  • Russian distinguishes between миномёт (minomjót, lightweight, often portable artillery piece which transmits recoil to a base plate) and морти́ра (mortíra, heavy, large-bore cannon); in English, both types of weapons are referred to as mortars.

Declension edit

Descendants edit

  • Armenian: ականանետ (akananet) (calque)