Old Church Slavonic




Borrowed from Koine Greek χερουβίμ (kheroubím), from Biblical Hebrew כְּרוּבִים (kərūḇīm), plural of כְּרוּב (kərūḇ).



херовимъ (xerovimŭm

  1. (always in the plural, declined as if singular) cherubim
    • Ретъко, editor (1025±50?), “херовимѣ”, in Codex Suprasliensis[1] (in Old Church Slavonic), page (leaf) 80.5, line 5:
      [] бѣа҅ше а҅леѯандръ хвалꙙ бога и҅ глагол҄ꙙ : цѣсароуѧи вь҆ вѣкꙑ богъ · сѣдꙙи҆ на херовимѣ · ѥ҅гоже хвалꙙтъ а҅гг҄ели и҅ а҅рꙿхагг҄ели · благословь҆ѭ̑ тꙙ а҅ꙁъ грѣшънъи҆ · а҅леѯандръ []
      [] Alexander praised God and said: “God, ruling unto the aeons, sitting on the cherubim, whom angels and archangels praise, I, the sinning Alexander, bless you.” []
    • Ретъко, editor (1025±50?), “херовимъ”, in Codex Suprasliensis[2] (in Old Church Slavonic), page (leaf) 229.5, line 13:
      [] и҅ вараѭ̑тъ херовимъ · и҅ прѣтѣкаѭ̑тъ серафимъ · и҅ с н҄има носꙙтъ прѣстолꙑ · и҅ покрꙑваѭ̑тъ шестокриль҆нии҆ · и҅ трепештѫтъ многоо҅читии҆ · видꙙште їсоуса въ пльти беꙁъ о҅чию̑ []
      [] i҅ varajǫ̑tŭ xerovimŭ · i҅ prětěkajǫ̑tŭ serafimŭ · i҅ s nʹima nosętŭ prěstoly · i҅ pokryvajǫ̑tŭ šestokrilĭ҆nii҆ · i҅ trepeštǫtŭ mnogoo҅čitii҆ · vidęšte isusa vŭ plĭti bezŭ o҅čijȗ []
      […] and the cherubim run before (them), and the seraphim course past (them), and the Thrones carry (Him) with them, and the six-winged ones cover (Him), and the many-eyed ones tremble, seeing Jesus in the flesh without eyes […]

