



22d (not comparable)

  1. Obsolete form of 22nd.
    • 1733 May, “Foreign Advices in May, 1733”, in “Sylvanus Urban” [pseudonym; Edward Cave], editor, The Gentleman's Magazine: or Monthly Intelligencer, volume III, number 24, London: Printed, and sold at St John's Gate, by F. Jeffries in Ludgate-street, and most booksellers, →OCLC, page 272:
      From Warſaw, May 25. That the Dyet of Convocation had held its laſt Seſſion on the 22d, and then agreed to and ſign'd a general Confederacy in good Order, having firſt Sworn not to Elect a Foreigner as above. The Day of Election was fixt for the 25th of Aug. But a Proteſt was enter'd by the Diſſidents, who had been excluded.
    • 1814 May 9, [Jane Austen], chapter VIII, in Mansfield Park: [], volume II, London: [] [George Sidney] for T[homas] Egerton, [], →OCLC, page 173:
      [] could detail the considerations which had induced him to fix on the 22d, as the most eligible day. William was required to be at Portsmouth on the 24th; the 22d would therefore be the last day of his visit; but where the days were so few it would be unwise to fix on any earlier. Mrs. Norris was obliged to be satisfied with thinking just the same, and with having been on the point of proposing the 22d herself, as by far the best day for the purpose.
    • 1834, R Thomas, The Glory Of America, page 514:
      On the 22d, the corporation of Albany passed a vote of thanks to General Heath, for the alacrity which he had displayed in defending the northern frontiers of the state of New York against the maraudings of the enemy.
    • 1843 August, “From Liberia. Treaty of Amity and Alliance, Entered into this 22d Day of February, A.D. 1843, between Joseph J[enkins] Roberts, Governor of the Commonwealth of Liberia, and Yando, Head King of the Golah Country, and Others, Kings and Headmen in the Same Country.”, in The African Repository, and Colonial Journal, volume XIX, number 8, Washington, D.C.: [Published by the American Colonization Society;] Alexander and Barnard, printers, Seventeenth Street, →OCLC, page 246:
      It is therefore agreed, this 22d day of February, 1843, by and between the parties above named, that all matters of dispute, of whatsoever nature, between the Liberians and the Golahs, shall be referred to the Governor of the Commonwealth for adjustment; []
    • 1865, Samuel Beckley Holabird, Treatise on Grand Military Operations, Or, A Critical and Military History of the Wars of Frederick the Great, as Contrasted with the Modern System[1], volume 1, translation of original by D. Van Nostrand, page 343:
      The morning of the 22d, this reënforcement was thrown into Olmutz between Lodenitz and Heiligenberg.