



Blend of adorable +‎ Dorian +‎ bull.

Proper noun



  1. (fandom slang) The ship of characters Dorian Pavus and the Iron Bull from the video game Dragon Age: Inquisition.
    • 2016, Kim Johansen Østby, "From Embracing Eternity to Riding the Bull: Representations of Homosexuality and Gender in the Video Game Series Mass Effect and Dragon Age", thesis submitted to the University of Oslo, page 319:
      "Adoribull" Homosexuality
    • 2018 April, Gaspard Pelurson, “Mustaches, Blood Magic and Interspecies Sex: Navigating the Non-Heterosexuality of Dorian Pavus”, in Game Studies, volume 18, number 1, unnumbered page:
      Firstly, the game only hints at the Adoribull relationship and does not provide more than a dozen dialogue lines, which enables fan writers to develop this relationship freely and divert from the original storyline.
    • 2019, "Aslinncosplay", quoted in Olga Svedin, "Fans som bråkar: Fans reaktioner på representationer av queerhet i dataspelet Dragon Age: Inquisition", thesis submitted to Stockholm University, page 38:
      I personally, love Adoribull as a ship. I think it is one built entirely on mutual attraction and want, that develops into a proper romance.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Adoribull.