Appendix:Northern Mansi pronunciation

The charts below show how the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is used to represent Northern Mansi pronunciations in Wiktionary entries.

Consonants edit

IPA Letter Example English approx.
b б бур [bur] (drill) bean
w or β в ва̄т [waːt] (thirty) weather
ɡ г газета [gazeta] (newspaper) gear
ɣ са̄гла [saːɣla] (splinter)
d д доклад [doklad] (report) dog
ʒ ж художественный [xudoʒestwennij] (art) leisure
z з завод [zawod] (factory) zoo
j й йӣв [jiːw] (tree) year
k к кāсыӈ [kaːsəŋ] (which) culture
l л лӯпта [luːpta] (leaf) liver
m м ма̄ньлат [maːnʲlat] (young) mouse
n н на̄й [naːj] (fire) no
ŋ ӈ ме̄тыӈ [mjeːtəŋ] (valuable) thing
p п пēс [peːs] (old) portion
r р рӯпата [ruːpata] (job)
s с сӯп [suːp] (mouth) sea
t т тав [taw] (he/she) televison
f ф Финляндия [finlʲandija] (Finland) Finland
x х халт [xalt] (among)
t͡s ц пӯльница [puːlʲnʲt͡sa] (hospital) tsunami
t͡ʃ ч Качанова [Kat͡ʃanowa] church
ʃ ш школа [ʃkola] (school) sheet
ɕ щ щё̄ри [ɕoːri] (flower)

Vowels edit

IPA Letter Example English approx.
a а ань [anʲ] (now)
а̄ āмп [aːmp] (dog) father
ja я яныг [janəɣ] (big)
jaː я̄ я̄ӈк [jaːŋk] (white, ice)
e е вāнтлаӈкве [waːntlaŋkʷe] (change)
э са̄т атыт хо̄талэ [saːt atit xoːtale] (Friday)
э̄ э̄типа̄ла [eːtʲipaːla] (evening)
je е
jeː ē ēмтуӈкве [jeːmtuŋkʷe] (become)
jo ё ёмас [jomas] (good, right)
jo: ё̄ ё̄рнкол [joːrnkol] (yurt)
ɪ ы [1] сасыг [sasɪɣ] (uncle)
i и йиӈкве [jiŋkʷe] (to become) bit
ы [2] лылы [lili] (breath)
ӣ вӣльт [wiːlʲt] (face)
ы̄ вы̄гыр [wiːɣər] (red)
o о войкан [wojkan] (white) old
о̄ вōт [woːt] (wind)
u у туп [tup] (only) bull
ӯ тӯйт [tuːjt] (snow) tool
ɞ̯ у [3] тотэ̄гум [toteːɣɞ̯ m] (I bring)
ə ы [4] маныр [manər] (what)
я талях [talʲəx] (top, peak)

Letter combinations edit

IPA Letter Example English approx.
ль хультум [xulʲtɞ̯m] (gone, outdated)
ли [5] Са̄литэлн! [Saːlʲiteln] (Excuse me!, Sorry!)[6]
нь мāнь [maːnʲ] (small)
ни [5] нила [nʲila] (four)
ть область [oblasc] (county)
ти [5] пити [pitʲi] (nest)
ɕ сь а̄гирись [aːɣiriɕ] (girl)
си [5] ма̄ньси [maːnʲɕi] (mansi)
кв о̄луӈкве [oːluŋkʷe] (to be)
ŋ нг ёнгуӈкве [joŋuŋkʷe] (to play)
  1. ^ If used before the letter г.
  2. ^ It is pronounced [i] when it's the last letter of a word, or when in the first syllable of the word.
  3. ^ The [ə] here, turns into [ɞ̯ ] when written before any bilabial consonants.
  4. ^ It is pronounced [ə] when in the last syllable of the word, exceptions are compound words, for example: эрыӈпыл [erəŋpil] and сольпыл [solʲpil] (because пыл [pil] is another word), and suffixed word like атыт since the suffix is -ыт | [-it]
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 This refers to other letters like я, ю, е, ё and long variants of them
  6. ^ The use of the word "sorry" in the Mansi language is a very fresh Russian influence. Traditionally, the Mansi does not apologize.

Other symbols edit

IPA Letter Indicates
◌ʲ ь Palatalization
◌. ъ

References edit

  • Mansi alphabet
  • Phonology of Northern Mansi
  • Susanna S. Virtanen, Csilla Horváth, Tamara Merova (2021) Pohjoismansin peruskurssin (5 op) [Northern Mansi basic course] (POHJOISMANSIN PERUSKURSSI)‎[1], Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto, page 10
  • Bradley, Jeremy, Skribnik, Elena (2021) The many writing systems of Mansi : challenges in transcription and transliteration[2], page 5