Appendix:Tagalog *kali/qali words

A significant number of Tagalog words begin with the Proto-Austronesian prefix *kali/qali, which are described by Blust (2009:368) as implying a “sensitive connection with the spirit world.” The *kali/qali words present in the modern-day Tagalog language are a legacy of the Tagalog people’s animist past.

The Tagalog *kali/qali words below have been selected from Carl Rubino’s Tagalog-English, English-Tagalog Dictionary (2002).



*kali/qali words are widespread among Austronesian languages, and are found from Taiwan to Oceania. The majority of these words are four syllables long (Blust 2001).

Proto-Austronesian reconstructions of interest include *qanitu “spirit, soul” (Zorc) and *balian “shaman” (Blust).

Semantic categories


*kali/qali words include (Blust 2001:24-59):

  • ant
  • bat
  • beetle
  • bumblebee
  • caterpillar/grub
  • centipede
  • cockroach
  • crab
  • dragonfly
  • earthworm
  • firefly
  • flea
  • gecko
  • grasshopper
  • honeybee
  • leech
  • millipede
  • scorpion
  • snake
  • spider
  • termite
  • wasp
Natural processes and prodigies of nature
  • aureole (lunar or solar halo)
  • dust in the air
  • shadow/reflection
  • sparks
  • storm
  • sunshower
  • rainbow
  • whirlwind/whirlpool
  • echo
Semantic contagion
  • restless
  • rustle
  • hair whorl
  • summit
  • dizzy
  • sling
  • go around in circles
  • confused (of vision, sound, the mind)
  • thick smoke or steam
  • turbid
  • far/disappear
  • lost
  • loud noise
  • drunk
  • conical
Body parts
  • clavicle or collarbone
  • palate
  • pupil of the eye
  • scapula
Various birds, fish, plants
  • fighting cock (variety)
  • omen dove
  • owl
  • swallow
  • woodpecker
  • mollusk, shellfish
  • nettle
  • spirit
  • taboos
  • gargle/rinse the mouth
  • red clouds of sunset
  • skin disease
  • talk/walk in one's sleep
  • topsy turvy



The allomorphs of *kali/qali below are from Blust (2001:34). The most commonly used ones are highlighted in bold. Are of the following are prefixes.

  • *bala
  • *bari
  • *banti
  • *buli
  • *dali
  • *daNi
  • *kaci
  • *kala
  • *kalaN
  • *kali
  • *kaliN
  • *kalu
  • *kaluN
  • *kaNa
  • *kaNi
  • *kara
  • *kari
  • *karu
  • *kanti
  • *kati
  • *kelu
  • *kula
  • *kuli
  • *kuliN
  • *kulu
  • *pali
  • *pati
  • *qandi
  • *qala
  • *qali
  • *qaliN
  • *qalu
  • *qaluN
  • *qaNa
  • *qaNi
  • *qara
  • *qari
  • *qariN
  • *qaru
  • *qata
  • *qanti
  • *qati
  • *qatiN
  • *qatu
  • *quCi
  • *quNi
  • *quri
  • *sala
  • *sali
  • *saliN
  • *sari
  • *sariN
  • *sulu
  • *tali
  • *taliN
  • *talu
  • *taNi
  • *tula

Blust (2001) also proposes the prefixes above may actually consists of two morphemes belonging to two different order classes.

Class 1
  1. ba-
  2. ka-
  3. ku-
  4. qa-
  5. sa-
  6. ta-
Class 2
  1. (-)la-
  2. (-)li-
  3. (-)ra-
  4. (-)ri-
  5. (-)ti-
  6. (-)lu-
  7. (-)Ni-
  8. (-)ta-


  • halimaw - wild beast
  • palisán - female water buffalo (regional term)
  • salindayaw - young deer stag

Insects, invertebrates

  • alibangbáng - small yellow-winged butterfly; flirt (coll.)
  • alimango - species of crab
  • alimasag - species of crab smaller than the alimango
  • aliparó - species of small butterfly with bright multi-colored wings
  • alitaptáp - firefly
  • alupihan - centipede (ulupihan)
  • balakwít - species of heart-shaped mollusk (Strombus canarium)
  • balang - locust
  • halabós - slightly cooking shrimp in salty water (cf. halbós - half-boiled (usually referring to shrimps))
  • kaligay - species of snail; cowry
  • kalumismís - species of sand clam
  • kulagyá' - species of small shrimp
  • kuliglíg - cricket
  • kulisap - insect; young louse
  • dalupapa - giant squid (Architeuthis sp.)
  • talangká' - small, edible crab; moodiness, irrational behavior (fig.)
  • lintá' - leech
  • salágintó' - goldbug
  • salágubang - June beetle
  • salabay - octopus (pugita' )
  • ulapihan - scorpion (alakdán)
  • unós - wood borer, weevil


  • alimuranin - species of large snake
  • alipangyán - species of snake (bibitunan)
  • kalabukab (variant: kalakukab) - species of water snake
  • talimbilao - species of banded sea snake
  • manlilingkís - boa constrictor
  • paliás - species of turtle


  • alimbuyugin - red-colored rooster with black spots on the wing
  • dalusapi' - rooster with blackish-yellow feathers
  • balangkawitan - species of brown migratory pond bird with long legs and a long bill (Numenius madagascariensis)
  • balantikis - bird of omen, believed to give warnings of misfortune
  • balinsasayaw - edible-nest swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus)
  • batálà - Asian fairy bluebird (Irena cyrogaster), observed closely for omens. Regarded by precolonial Tagalogs as the harbinger and messenger of chief god Bathala
  • bulihala' - a fowl with ashy feathers and black legs; (slang) management; care; responsibility
  • kalangay - cockatoo
  • kalapati - dove, pigeon
  • kalapnít - species of small bat
  • kalabyáng - kind of large bat
  • kulasisi' - parrot
  • halubangsâ - a kind of chicken with yellow or orange feet
  • ulikbá' - fowl with dark meat


  • aligasín - mullet fish (Mugil ceramensis)
  • alumahan - mackerel
  • alumbiberas - silvery pomfret fish
  • atulay - hardtail fish
  • balabala - decussated snapper fish
  • balang - flying fish
  • balangwán - mackerel scad fish
  • baliwis - siganid fish
  • baliga - eel goby
  • balila - cutlass fish, hairtail fish
  • bulinaw - anchovy; transparent sardine; (Vis.) species of bamboo
  • bulubuktó - cavalla fish (Caranx sp.)
  • dalangát - black-finned slipmouth fish
  • dalimanok - eagle ray
  • dalupani' - wily slipmouth fish
  • kalangkáw - Indian turbot fish
  • kalapato - cavalla fish (Caranx sp.)
  • kalapáy - tassel; fin
  • kalaso' - lizard fish
  • kilyóng - drepane fish (Drepane punctata)
  • malibanos - moray
  • malimango - cavalla fish
  • palatikat - long-finned cavalla fish
  • palimanok - cow-nosed ray
  • salaysaláy - crevalle fish (Caranx sp.)
  • saramulyete - goatfish
  • talakitilyo - immature cavalla fish
  • talakitok - species of cavalla fish
  • talangtalang - leather jacket fish
  • talimusák - long-finned goby fish (Oxyurichthys microlepis)
  • tulingan - tuna type fish (Thunnidae family); tulingan-putí' - Oceanic bonito


  • alibangon - species of creeping plant
  • alikbangon - kind of weed with oval leaves that secrete a sticky, slimy fluid
  • alimbukád - the process or stage in which the flower or plant gradually opens its petals, showing its beauty and vitality; efflorescence; flowering; full bloom
  • alingaro - species of climbing shrub with sweet fruit (Eleaeanus philippinsis)
  • alitbangon - species of succulent herb (Cyanetis axillaris)
  • alibangbáng - kind of tree with long pods and pink to purple flowers
  • alupág - species of tree (Nephelium glabrum)
  • alugbati - Malabar night shade herb with red stems and edible spinach-like leaves
  • alusiman - purslane = any of a family (Portulacaceae, the purslane family) of cosmopolitan usually succulent herbs
  • kulasiman - species of purslane
  • balaba' - whole leaf or joint of bananas or palms
  • balakbák - dried bark
  • balanoy - sweet basil
  • balanggót - species of aquatic reed
  • balatong - mungo bean (Phaseolus mungo)
  • balayong - species of tree (Pahudia rhomboidea; tindalo)
  • balinghóy - cassava (Manihot esculenta)
  • baliti' - various strangler fig tree species (Ficus sp.), venerated or worshipped in precolonial periods as indwelling of anito; manacle, restraining object
  • balubad - cashew
  • balukanád - species of tree whose seeds are used for oil (Aleurites moluccana)
  • bantalínaw - species of tree whose bark is used for cough medicine (Diospyros pilosanthera)
  • bulakán - kind of vine whose leaves are used as a shampoo
  • bulung-ita - kind of shrub with edible fruits (Diospyros philosanthera)
  • dalupang - kind of shrub with reddish branches
  • daluro' - cork tree
  • halibutbót - windmill bush (Tabernaemontana pandacaqui)
  • halimúmog - an endemic Philippine tree species with fragrant smell (Ehretia philippinensis)
  • halubágat - (Capparis micracantha)
  • kalamansí' - calamansi
  • kalantás - species of tree with red aromatic wood
  • kalatsutsi - frangipani tree
  • kalatsutsi' - temple flower tree
  • kalumpáng - wild almond tree
  • kalumpít - kind of tree
  • talang - species of tree
  • kalipkíp - kind of creeping vine
  • kalisag - spine; bristles
  • kalumbibít - kind of prickly vine
  • karadapdáp - kind of tree with red flowers
  • lingat - kind of fleshy herb with creepy, hairy rootstock
  • kulasiman - species of purslane
  • kulat - kind of fungus (taingang-dagá' )
  • kulatay - Bermuda grass
  • kulatkulat - species of fungus
  • kulis - kind of shrub whose roots are used for certain irregularities in menstruation
  • kulutan - Chinese burr shrub
  • kulutkutan - kind of shrub with reddish branches
  • malinggá - kind of vine, known also as kondól
  • maliputó - jackfish; pompano
  • maliputóng-laut - cavalla
  • nila' - indigo plant
  • palisan - kind of small tree
  • pálukálay - a tall hardwood tree species (Alphonsea arborea)
  • salingbúbog - sacred garlic pear; temple tree (Crataeva religiosa)
  • salúyot - Jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius)
  • sulá-sulasihan (root: sulasi) - kind of fragrant herb (Leucas aspera)
  • talampúnay - devil's trumpet (Datura metel)
  • talisay - species of shade tree
  • taraumpalit - species of plant with purple flowers
  • talulót - petal

Shape and motion


Twisting, circular motion


Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle. The sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power whirls. Birds make their nest in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same and both are round. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves. Our tepees were round like the nests of birds, and these were always set in a circle, the nation's hoop. — Black Elk in Black Elk Speaks (1961), Ch. 17: The First Cure.

  • aligutgót - entangled; trouble, mischief
  • alimpuso' - knot of wood
  • alipuyó - whirlpool
  • alimpuyó - whirl, eddy
  • alimusod - cone; funnel-shaped object
  • alimulón - cone-shaped
  • alinugnóg - spinning
  • aliyun - an irregular action such as undulating, rippling or waving movement of groups, herds, clouds, wind, or smoke; eddy
  • aringkín - sudden trip, somersault
  • balabág - cast, throw
  • balaráw - dagger
  • baliad-ád - bent backwards
  • balibang - to throw upward
  • balikawkáw - twisted out of shape
  • balikukó' - twisted
  • balikungkóng - curled upwards
  • baligtád (variant: baliktád) - inside-out; upside-down
  • balinsusó' - ringlet, curl of hair
  • balintóng - somersault
  • balintuwád - upside-down
  • balintuwáng - falling head-first
  • balingadngád - twisted backward
  • balinganga' - with a twisted neck
  • balinghád - partially rolled upward (edge of a leaf, pages of book)
  • balilíng - twisted neck
  • balisusó' - curled (like a shell)
  • balisungsóng - funnel
  • balukaskás - roughness of a surface
  • balukaykáy - imperfect or unequal circle, spiral
  • balukí' - crooked; twisted
  • balukiskís - peeled off
  • balukol - act of twisting the neck to kill (fish)
  • baluktók - crooked, bent; kink, curl; distortion
  • balumbón - woll; wad; thick crowd
  • dalagdág - species of vine also called kulambibíg
  • dalisdís - slope
  • dalapdáp - pruning of trees
  • halabíd - entangling
  • halibas - hurl
  • halikwát - lifting with a lever; turning things over in a pile
  • haligayót - flexible, pliant
  • halubidbíd - winding around, coiling around
  • hilihíd - awry, twisted to one side (hilihid = panorama)
  • hiliwíd - slanting, inclined
  • kiló' - bent, crooked
  • kulót - curl
  • kulumbóng - head wrap
  • lingkís (with -um-: lumingkís) - to twine, coil around
  • ngawil - twisting of lips while speaking
  • pulupot - turn, twist
  • salikóp - surrounded, encircled
  • salungkawit - curved support; curved blade
  • salungkít - fish hook (attached at the end of a pole)
  • salupinít - knotty (wood); spoilt, stale; missed
  • talimusód - spiral and pointed at one end
  • talibugsó' - bow knot, slipknot; snare
  • talikwás - tilted; upside down; turned over
  • salingsíng - curtain rings; ingrown toenails
  • salabíd - something that entangles
  • sulilíng (variant: sulindíng; with pa-: pasuliling) - sideways (adv.); sudden twisting of the neck (n.)
  • kulubót - wrinkle
  • kulumós - crumple
  • salubsób - splinter
  • salukbít - tucked in at the waist
  • saluksók - inserted at the waist; probing
  • ulak - reel, spool
  • ulbók - bulge, protuberance
  • uliuli - eddy (alimpuyó)
  • untáy - twisted (rope)

Floating, rising, scattering

  • aligíd - circling around, hovering
  • alikabók - dust (from *qali + *abúk)
  • alimpapayaw - gliding flight
  • alindayag - floating in air
  • alimbukay - swell of water; nausea
  • alimuóm - vapor wising from the ground; gossip (idiom)
  • alipato - flying ember
  • balikaskás - flayed; peeled off
  • balusbós (with ma-: mamalusbós) - to be spilled (grain)
  • bulatlát - careful search for something by removing the contents of a container
  • dalahik - point reached on the seashore by the waves
  • halabók - pulverized
  • kalatkát - act of spreading out
  • kalangkáng - disorderly pile
  • baludbód - scattering things sparingly
  • dalaydayan - framework used for drying fish nets
  • daluyong - surge of the sea, large wave
  • halawháw - disorderly
  • halbós - half-boiled (usually referring to shrimps)
  • halapáw - removing the top layer
  • halibuyak - diffusion of fragrance
  • halipáw - surface matter (on liquids)
  • haliryóng - transporting little by little
  • halughóg - close examination, search; ransacking search
  • halungkál - turning over contents while searching for something
  • halungkát - mischievous search; rummaging
  • halwát - searching by emptying the contents
  • hilab - swell, bulge; spasm
  • hilagpós - getting loose
  • hilahid - smear
  • hilat - stretching of an opening
  • hilatlát - making a hole wider
  • ilandáng - shooting up of water from a fountain
  • ilangláng - soaring
  • kalawkáw (with -um-: kumalawkáw' ) - to stir with a stick (liquids)
  • kalikaw (with -in: kalikawin) - to poke and stir liquid
  • kimbót - throb; slight muscular spasm; twitch
  • kulapol - smear
  • dalaydáy - fluid motion of liquids
  • talaytáy - flowing (blood, saliva)
  • saluysóy - spring of water; rivulet
  • kalutkót - act of searching through contents
  • ngalubakbák (with maN-: mangalubakbák) - to become detached (skin, bark)
  • ngalukabkáb - peeling off (bark, plaster, etc.)
  • palispís - clearing of a field before planting; dusting
  • salimbáy - flight of a bird without flapping; graceful flight or glide; soaring
  • salipadpád - fluttering
  • salwát - spilling liquid out of a container
  • tulakbahala' - ballast
  • lingas - blaze, flame; shine; boasting, pride
  • walwál (variant: wangwáng) - spread out; wide open
  • waligwíg (with -in: waligwigán) - to sprinkle water on
  • undáp - flickering of light
  • undók - oscillation

Restlessness, uneasiness

  • alimpungát - half-awake
  • alimís - secret, furtive
  • alip-ip - anxious, in suspense
  • alumpihit (variant: alumihit) - restlessness
  • alikbobo - meddle; interfere with other people
  • alingaling - fickle, changeable
  • alipuypóy - act of sneaking around for attention or to get one's way
  • alibadbád - nausea
  • alitúkag - kneel that evinces guilt, remorse or supplication
  • alusiksík - resourcefulness; intensive search
  • balaghán - wonder, amazement
  • balangáy - swoon, fainting spell; backstroke
  • balasáng - confusion; overthrow; disorder
  • balasaw - riot, tumult
  • balawbáw - full, overflowing
  • balaybáy - cluster; fallen palm leaves; bedtime stories
  • balibat - unreasonably rebellious; unreasonably defiant; contrarian
  • baligyá' - peddler; hawker
  • balihandá' - loiterer; lascivious woman
  • balihantót - whore; harlot; prostitute (derogatory)
  • balino - restlessness, anxiety
  • balintuna' - unnatural; contradictory; ironic
  • balisawsáw - painful discharge of urine; caprice, whim (fig.)
  • balubaló' - pretense; fiction
  • bulabod - sprinkling; sowing
  • bulabog - disturbance, tumult; (with -in: bulabugin) - to rout, drive away; annoy
  • bulakból - vagabond, truant
  • bulagsák - careless; wasteful
  • bulahaw - tumult
  • bulalás - ejaculation; outburst; storm; (with i-: ibulalás) - to exclaim
  • bulastóg - boastful; lying, bluffing; rash
  • buligáw - with no sense of direction; short-sighted
  • bulindasín - temperamental; moody
  • dalimumot - irritable
  • dalin(g)síl - lost, astray; wrong, incorrect
  • dalirot - poking
  • halaghág - careless, negligent
  • halbót - sudden pulling
  • halimbukáy (variant: halibukáy) - nausea; surge of sea waves
  • halikhík - subdued laughter
  • haligutgót - naughty, mischievous
  • halihaw - ransacking; repeated stabbing
  • haliparót - flirtatious
  • halták - jerk, sudden pull
  • halubíd - spanking, flogging; tripping the feet
  • hilahil - hardship; grief
  • hiluká' - languished, pale
  • himago - being unfamiliar with a new place
  • himagod - slight fatigue
  • himangláw - feeling of loneliness
  • kaligkíg - shiver
  • kilíd - tremble, shudder
  • kilití' - ticklish feeling
  • kulabat - walking without the help of the arms and furniture (babies)
  • kulawít - act of tripping over something
  • kulimbát - act of stealing; (adj.) stolen
  • di-matalí - restless, anxious
  • lindayag - recovery of one's senses after a fright
  • ngalay - numbness; fatigue
  • ngaligkíg (with maN-: mangaligkíg) - to shiver from the cold
  • ngalo' - numbness, fatigue
  • ngalóg - extreme weakness; fatigue
  • ngalóg (with maN-: mangalóg) - to tremble, quiver, shake
  • ngalungkóng - depression
  • palawingwíng - fringe
  • palingál-lingál (root: lingál) - rolling sideways (boats)
  • palindayag - state of calmness after surprise
  • pamamaligpíg (root: paligpíg) - shaking of the body
  • lingáw - confused
  • linggatong - perplexity; worry
  • lingmíng (with na-: nalingmíng) - confused
  • salaghati' - displeasure; resentment
  • salangliping' - loss of mental faculty or reason; a fit of confusion or mental disarray
  • salimakmak - meddle, intervene to give one's opinion unsolicited
  • salimuymoy - a person or animal playing near another and causing a nuisance or hindrance to them
  • salunga (with -um-: sumalungá) - to go against (current, etc.)
  • salugmók - meddle in an undertaking or task without being called to join
  • salumpóng - head-on collision
  • saramulyo - mischievous; disrespectful
  • saranggola - kite (for flying?)
  • suling (with -um-: sumuling-suling) - to do to and fro
  • kulukutó' - whim
  • kulughóy - numb state caused by the cold
  • talilakaw - to go on a distant walk without a clear goal in mind, mulling over problems or anxiety
  • talipsáw -restless; fidgety; naughty
  • tulingág - stunned; stupefied; stupid
  • tuliró - confused; stunned
  • undót - falling back when startled

Crowds and swarms

  • kalibungbóng - group of people, crowd
  • kulumot - crowd, congestion
  • kulupón - crowd, swarm (of children)
  • kulisaw - school of fish
  • halubilo - mingling with the crowd
  • pulupón - small group


  • balani' - charm; magnetism
  • bangungot - nightmare
  • alimuwáng - occultism
  • kaluluwá (*kali + *dua) - soul, spirit
  • kulam - witchcraft (mangkukulam = witch)
  • hilagyó' - spirit, affinity; namesake; essence
  • hingálay - bliss; beatitude
  • malikmata' - transfiguration; sleight of hand
  • niláy (with mag-: magnilay-nilay) - to meditate
  • palína - purification ritual; bark used for incense or purifying rituals
  • sulináw - excellent, outstanding; religious ceremony; ritual; propitiation
  • talibót - something that brings charm, fortune or luck; fortunate; a brief glance
  • ulirát - sense, consciousness

Natural phenonema


Odors, emissions

  • alisangsáng - strong, offensive odor
  • balintatáw (variant: alikmatá) - pupil of the eye
  • alimpuyók - strong emission of steam or smoke
  • alimusom - fragrance
  • alingasaw - reeking, giving off an odor; odor
  • halimunmón - fragrance, scent, aroma
  • halimuyák - fragrance; whiff
  • halpók - putrid

Echoes, sounds

  • alálad - resound; resonance; echo
  • alatíit - creaking (especially of bamboo)
  • alingawngáw - echo, reverberation; noise, clamor
  • alimaymáy - inaudible sound; not heard well
  • alunigníg - faint echo or idea
  • alulóng - distant howling
  • atungal - cry of cattle
  • bulukabok - gurgling sound
  • halakhák - loud laughter
  • hilhíl - loud laughter
  • kalatís - sound, noise
  • kalatóg - knocking noise
  • kalatóng - small drum; clash
  • kalatuwát - echo
  • kalasáw - wriggling movement
  • kalasíng - clinking sound
  • kalambóg - heavy thumping
  • kalamkám - tingling sensation
  • kalampág - clanking noise; speaking in a loud voice (fig.)
  • kalansín - jingling sound
  • kalantís - swishing sound
  • kalantóg - rattling sound
  • kalít - creaking sound
  • kalirawráw - disharmonious; discordant; dissonant; unmelodious song or tune
  • kalugkóg - muffled sound; distant roll of thunder
  • kaluskós - rustling sound
  • kulimbáng - act of ringing a big bell
  • kulós - rustling sound
  • halinghíng - neigh, whinny; moan, groan
  • haluyhóy - moan, groan
  • lagasáw - Homeric laughter; merry and boisterous laughter; sound of swift, flowing water over sand, pebbles, or rocks (as in rapids); sound of rippling water against an obstacle (as when one wades through water)
  • lingaw - clamor (lingáw = confused)
  • lingawngáw - murmuring
  • linggál - din, clamor
  • ngalitngít - sound of gnashing, crunching
  • ngalngál - wailing, grumbling
  • ngalót (with mag-: magngalót) - to crunch noisily
  • ngalubngób - noise of crunching brittle food
  • ngalutngót - crunching sound
  • saligawsaw - noisiness; restlessness; murmuring; boisterousness; garrulity (having connotations of idle-talk or topics of triviality)
  • salingagngág - very loud, disturbing, disruptive, or distracting noise in the neighborhood
  • talingasngás - a person of sharp hearing; keen hearing
  • waliswís - swishing sound of branches in the wind


  • alinagnág - hazy visibility
  • alinsangan - sultry weather
  • alisuwág - humidity
  • aluningníng - brilliance, resplendence
  • aluyô - tidal wave; tsunami
  • balangáw - rainbow (bahaghari' )
  • balangulan - blood-red smear or tint in the sky, especially during sunrise or sunset
  • bulalakaw - shooting star; meteor [cf. Proto-Philippines *bulalakaw 'kind of nature spirit, probably identified with the appearance of a comet' (Blust 2001:57)]
  • dalumóy - low, dark clouds
  • halumigmíg - humid, damp
  • talang - red skies at sunset
  • limbo - halo (of moon)
  • lintík - lightning strike
  • kulimlím - dark, overcast
  • palunghô - an extremely strong and devastating storm
  • unós - squall, strong wind with rain

Human and animal body

  • aligí - ovary of crustaceans
  • aliwaywáy - recovery of strength after an illness; convalescence; healing
  • alipungá - athlete's foot
  • balakáng - hip; loin, pelvis
  • balakubak - dandruff
  • balayubay - dark dandruff
  • balagat - collarbone, shoulder blade
  • balambán - membrane
  • balantukan - partially healed wound
  • balikaró - swelling of the lips; thickening of the edges (wounds)
  • balisaksák - healthy; hearty; robust; vigorous
  • balugbóg - nape of the neck of fowls; spine
  • balumbalunan - gizzard of fowls
  • bulagáw - with gray eyes
  • bulaid - hemorrhoids
  • bulalay - elephant's trunk
  • bulaló' - kneecap
  • buliga' - eyeball; mound of earth
  • buliglíg - swelling of the eyes (of fowls)
  • bulubok (with -um-: bumulubok) - to bubble; gurgle
  • bululós - diarrhea
  • bulutong - pockmarks; smallpox
  • bulutunggó - pockmarked
  • dalahit (variant: dalahik) - intense coughing attack
  • dalutdót - poking with the finger
  • halawán - half-gray (hair)
  • halimhím - brooding on eggs
  • halimurá (variant: halimorá) - hale; excellent quality of thought and health; vigour; vitality; mental acuity
  • halubaybáy - deep-bodied sardine
  • halukipkíp - with folded arms
  • hilahod - shuffling of the feet; limping
  • hilam - skin blemish on the face; pain in the eyes; turbidity
  • hilantád - lying on one's back without any clothes
  • kalá' (with -um-: kumalá' ) - to gargle
  • kalagkág - gargle; hard scratching
  • kalaba' - white spots on the eyeball; cataract
  • kalaghalá' - phlegm
  • kalumatá - dark rings around the eyes from lack of sleep
  • kalingkingan - little finger
  • kaliskís - scales of fish
  • karangkál - distance between thumb and middle finger when stretched apart
  • kilabot - goosebumps; terror, fear
  • kilít - hunching of the shoulders
  • kulaba' - white film over the eyes; film over liquids
  • kulamós - scratch on the face
  • kulani' - swelling of a lymph gland; (slang) unwanted pregnancy
  • kulangot - dried snot
  • kuliti' - sty in the eye
  • malikaskás - peeling off (skin)
  • maliputó' - short person
  • ngalangalá - palate, roof of the mouth
  • ngalisag (with maN-: mangalisag) - to bristle (hair)
  • ngalit (with maN-: mangalit) - to grind the teeth
  • ngalumatá - with dark rings under the eyes due to lack of sleep; with haggard-looking eyes; gaunt
  • ngaluktíng' (with paN-: pangangaluktíng) - clattering of the teeth due to cold
  • ngalumbaba' (with paN-: pangangalumbaba' ) - pensive look (with the head supported by the palm)
  • palikpík - fin of a fish
  • palingá' - with head turned sideways
  • pulikat - spasm, body cramps
  • pulíntapang - revitalization; renewal; rejuvenation; regeneration (of strength, courage, health, etc)
  • salingusô - a tendency or habit to pout one's lips whenever angry; a person who has the habit
  • salípod - crawling of infants
  • salugsóg - sliver in the hand or foot; detailed investigation
  • salumbabá' - sling for a broken arm; bandage that supports the chin or a corpse
  • sulimpát - squinty-eyed
  • sulikap - cloven-hoofed foot
  • tálimpúsod - umbilical cord
  • talangkág - erection of the membrum verile
  • talírik - erection of the membrum verile; verticality; perpendicularity
  • talistís - intestines; bowels; innards
  • talukab - hard shell of crustaceans; loose or detached scab
  • talukap - eyelid; sheath of palm leaves
  • talungkô - seated in a squatting position
  • tulatód - coccyx
  • ulag - molting of fowls
  • untóg - bump on the head
  • waliwali - close to the time of delivery (pregnant women); defective eyesight caused by hunger


  • alembóng - coquettish; playfully flirtatious
  • alibugha - irresponsible; wasteful; neglectful
  • alibuybuyín - a person attracting many lovers; romantically or sexually attractive; comely (regional)
  • alimbatók - differing because they are not identical or not equal in measure or extent; unequal; dissimilar; unmatched; incomparable
  • alimuos - invisible; unseen; imperceptible
  • alinaynay - exceedingly mild; gentle; soft
  • alindóg - personal charm; attractiveness; beauty; gorgeousness
  • alintodong - veil
  • alipunya - indentured servant because of unpaid debts
  • alisaga - indolent; slothful; lazy
  • alisagság - neglectful, negligent
  • aliyamas (variant: haliyamas) - gold plating; gold leaf
  • alusithâ - verification; proof; evidence
  • balakyâ - a type of court song reserved for the listening of the maginoo; a specialist singer or poet in that type; bard
  • balakyót - wicked; evil; deceitful; crafty; cunning; sly and iniquitous
  • balantagi - punishment in accordance with the equivalent harm; lex talionis
  • balantay - proximity, distance
  • balangibang - contest, competition
  • balasubás - swindler
  • balatok - gold ore
  • balawis - scoundrel; rebel; fierce; ferocious
  • balayáng - a matrimonial folk ballad, sung during wedding feasts
  • balíga - malicious gossip; calumny
  • baligho - irrational; against reason; against common sense; absurdity
  • balíbabát - a light spear, used as weapon
  • balihandà - concern; care; anxiety
  • balikokò - throat-singing
  • balikongkong - sea shanty; rowing or paddling songs
  • balikutkót - rummaging through objects in order to know or discovering something
  • balino - intentionally mislead by false statements; deceive
  • balingkinitan - attractively slender; lean; long and thin (of one's body)
  • balita - news; bad news
  • balitaktak - heated fight; verbal joust; debate
  • balitok - gold
  • baliwag - profound; abstruse; difficult; slow flowing river current
  • balukitkít - thorough inspection; examination
  • balungkalíng - foundation; cause
  • bantilawan - undercooked
  • bulisík - vile; utterly contemptible; baseness; lowliness
  • labusakit - being strict in decision and governance; strictness; firmness; severity; stringency; resoluteness
  • lambanâ - altar; shrine
  • dalangin - prayer; supplication
  • dalisay - pure; unadulterated; without mixture; sincere; genuine; clear; clean; limpid; immaculate; without sin; distilled; purified
  • dalumat - very deep thought; suffering; toleration (of pains); comportment; abide
  • halibyong - false news; misrepresentation or fabrication of details of events to deceive
  • halimbawà - example; sample; instance; model; illustration; class; kind
  • halimulâ - all who have died; all deceased (poetic)
  • halintulad - compare; comparison
  • halíraw - victory song
  • halugámit - renunciation of one's rights, powers or privileges; relinquish; abdicate
  • malasmás - awake to; aware to the existence, being, or nature of something; notice; know
  • palaná - a forcible stroke that kills a living thing; death blow; lethal strike
  • palígang - fallow land
  • palanâ - someone susceptible to death; mortal; human being
  • salambáy - to placate, soothe, or pacify someone's anger by stroking their hands.
  • salanggapáng - dishonest and worthless person; rogue; completely shameless; guiltless; brazen; rapist (archaic)
  • salaulâ - morally offensive; immoral
  • kulatád - abyss; deep pit
  • salansán - order; orderly; orderly arrangement; orderly filed
  • salagsáy - prevent someone from doing something; hinder; obstruct; inhibit
  • salantâ - badly damaged; completely ruined (as by a typhoon, earthquake, etc.)
  • salapang - trident; fishing spear
  • salimbóng - concealed; hidden; forgotten
  • salipanyâ - impertinence; irreverence; impiety; blasphemy; sacrilege
  • salirangdáng - distance of a thing from one end to another; dimension; measure; breadth; width; span
  • salubong - meeting; reception; welcoming upon arrival
  • salukoy - the prime or most excellent part of a thing; time of intensity; culminating part of an action; to be in the prime of youth; the flower of youth; adolescence; time of growth; most busy time of sowing, harvesting or thrashing; epoch, season, or time (of something)
  • salupakaná - vulgar, perverse, or obscene use of language
  • salupinít - not grown or reared well (plants, animals, humans); (by extension) an ill mannered person; bad; immoral; evil
  • salurapâ - obsession; extreme fondness, admiration, or love
  • salúsog - going down in the river in search of something
  • talagháy - courage to endure pain, suffering, misfortune
  • talamitam - intimacy
  • talampak - patent; frank; unreserved
  • talangkás - gracefulness or beauty of movement, gait, posture or expression
  • talibà - sentinel; guard; vanguard
  • talibadbád - error; mistake; misconstrue; miscalculate; misjudge facts; follow a wrong procedure
  • talikakás - unwavering persistence and determination
  • talikóp - encircle; besiege
  • talilos - coarseness of speech; rude; vulgarity
  • talimangmáng - hoax; ruse; deceit
  • talimbuhól - vow; promise; utterance and exchange of marriage vows during the ceremony
  • talimuwáng - pretend to be ignorant, especially to avoid responsibility; alternatively, use clever and sophistic reasoning to evade blame, duty, or responsibility
  • talingdáw - ancient, dramatic boat song sung during certain domestic activities
  • talinghagà - mystery; mystical significance; secret; concealed
  • talipandás - impudent; insolent; brazen; disrespectful; corrupt; immoral; evil
  • talisuyò - good relations or bonds of affection maintained by mutual exchange of favours (between persons, organizations, communities, or nations)
  • taliwakás - retraction; revocation; nullification; abandonment of what one agreed to do synonyms; breaking off; ending (of a relationship, speech, etc.)
  • talubatâ - early middle-aged: between twenty-five and thirty-five years old
  • talubò - fertile ground; appropriate, befitting and favourable place or environment to grow plants or rear and educate children
  • tálugantí - severe, harsh or grave words uttered in a heated debate or argument
  • taluhimig - ambiguous meaning or signification; equivocal; double-meaning
  • taluidyap - twinkling of the eye; in a short period of time; extremely fast; rapid
  • talukbóng - veil
  • taluktok - peak; summit; apex; uppermost; acme; pinnacle
  • talumpana - target (to be hit with arrow)
  • talumátà - to question, inquire or cast doubt someone of their genealogy, pedigree or noble stock
  • talumpatì - speech; oration; obedience; humility; act of daring to say or do something with compliance, respect, or care
  • talúngà - ritual funerary lamentation
  • talupapák - primary terms and conditions of an agreement, contract, or covenant
  • talusalíng - delicate; refined; highly sensitive (emotionally); easily hurt; hard to please
  • talundós - plain and level ground
  • talusira - breach of promise; violation of agreement, promise, contract, or covenant
  • tampalasán - wicked; perverse; roguish; knavish; rascal; destructive; vandalistic; brutal; evil
  • tuláli (modern pronunciation: tulalí) - unique; singular; alone; only one of its kind; sui generis
  • tulingáw - to indicate; to speak forth; to act presumptuously, immodestly or forwardly as if knowing or on close terms with a person of higher rank


  • Blust, Robert. 2000. "Rat Ears, Tree Ears, Ghost Ears and Thunder Ears in Austronesian Languages." In: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 156 (2000), no: 4, Leiden, 687-706.
  • Blust, Robert A. 2001. "Historical morphology and the spirit world: *qali/kali-prefixes in Austronesian languages." In John Bradshaw and Kenneth L. Rehg (eds.) Issues in Austronesian Morphology. A festschrift for Byron W. Bender. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 15-73.
  • Blust, Robert A. 2009. The Austronesian Languages. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. →ISBN, →ISBN.
  • Rubino, Carl R. Galvez. 2002. Tagalog-English English-Tagalog Dictionary. New York: Hippocrene Books.