Category:Ancient Greek terms by accent type

This category contains categories of words by accent type and position. The possible accent types are acute and circumflex, and the accent may be placed on the first, second, or third syllable from the end of the word (the ultima, penult, or antepenult). The terms for accent are shown below. A dash indicates that the type of accent cannot occur on that syllable. For instance, no word has a circumflex accent on the antepenult, like *ἆνθρωπος (*ânthrōpos). For more on the rules of accent, see Ancient Greek accent on Wikipedia.

Placement of accent
Antepenult Penult Ultima
Circumflex properispomenon perispomenon
Acute proparoxytone paroxytone oxytone
Grave barytone


This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.