See also: checkuser


English Wikipedia has an article on:



From check +‎ user.

Proper noun



  1. (Wikimedia jargon) A tool that allows someone to view the IP addresses of wiki users, so as to identify sock puppets, etc; or the authority to use that tool.
    • 2008, Phoebe Ayers, Charles Matthews, Ben Yates, How Wikipedia Works: And how You Can be a Part of it, →ISBN, page 327:
      A log of CheckUser actions is visible to all Checkusers.
    • 2009, Mathieu O'Neil, Cyberchiefs: autonomy and authority in online tribes, page 162:
      This is the CheckUser software, accessible to a restricted number of admins. CheckUser identifies what IP address registered Wikipedians are accessing the site from.
    • 2014, Thomas Leitch, Wikipedia U, →ISBN:
      Wales wished to delegate the substantive disputes amng editors, determinations of which editors have the "CheckUser" power to check IP addresses of suspected vandals and the oversight power of "enhanced deletion" over libelous material or material that infringes copyright, and decisions about banning users that he had heretofore made on his own.