English citations of œstri and œſtri

Noun: plural form of œstrus

1798 1840 1876 1903
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1798, The Critical Review; page #295:
    It is found in all the œſtri, and in moſt other inſects.
  • 1840, Thomas Hodgkin, Lectures on the Morbid Anatomy of the Serous and Mucous Membranes, Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.; Volume II, Lecture XIX, page #337:
    Strongyli have been known to affect the mucous membrane of the stomach in birds : œstri, it is well known, are common in the stomach of the hose, the proof of which may be seen amongst the preparations in the Museum : but I am not aware of any parasitical animals of which the human stomach can be regarded as the habitat.
  • 1876, Pierre Joseph Van Beneden, Animal Parasites and Messmates, D. Appleton and Company; Chapter VIII, page #173:
    The œstri are dipterous like ordinary flies ; but instead of passing their youth on some waste organic matter, they live in the nostrils or the stomach of some hairy animal, and undergo all their metamorphoses in the interior of its body.
  • 1903, Francis H. A. Marshall in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Harrison and Sons; Volume 196, page #52:
    Such cases as these further justify the view that where sheep can have lambs twice as year, œstri of the additional sexual season are comparable to the œstri occurring after early abortions in those sheep which can produce lambs only once annually, the full series of diœstrous cycles characteristic of the respective breeds being interrupted by the whole or part of a gestation.