
Ancient Greek citations of βαρείας (bareías)

  • late 1st C. BC, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Περὶ Συνθέσεως Ὀνομάτων in The Critical Essays II (Loeb Classical Library № 466, 1985), American →ISBN, British →ISBN, chapter xi, paragraph 4 (page 80, lines 5–10):
    σῖγα σῖγα, λευκὸν ἴχνος ἀρβύλης // τίθετε, μὴ κτυπεῖτ᾽· // ἀποπρὸ βᾶτ᾽ ἐκεῖσ᾽, ἀποπρό μοι κοίτας. // ἐν γὰρ δὴ τούτοις τὸ ‛σῖγα σῖγα λευκὸν’ ἐφ᾽ ἑνὸς φθόγγου μελῳδεῖται, καίτοι τῶν τριῶν λέξεων ἑκάστη βαρείας τε τάσεις ἔχει καὶ ὀξείας.
    Be silent! Silent! Let the sandal’s tread // Be light, no jarring sound. // Depart ye hence afar, and from his bed withdraw. // In these lines the words σῖγα σῖγα λευκόν are sung on one note; and yet each of the three words has both low and high pitch. ― translation from: Stephen Usher, opere citato LCL 466 (1985), chapter xi, paragraph 4, page 81, lines 5–10