
Chinese citations of 俄羅斯語俄罗斯语 (Éluósīyǔ)


  • 2012 June 25, United Nations, General Assembly, 《加强调解在和平解决争端、预防和解决冲突方面的作用——秘书长的报告》 [Strengthening the role of mediation in the peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict prevention and resolution: Report of the Secretary-General]‎[1], page 88:
    其中,德涅斯特河两岸有大量讲俄罗斯语的人,其中包括俄罗斯公民(在德涅斯特河地区多达 160 000 人),在该地区的主要商业利益,这是几十年产业合作的结果。
    Among these are the large Russian-speaking population on both banks of the Dniester river, including Russian citizens (as many as 160,000 in the Dniester region), and also major business interests in the region, based on many decades of industrial cooperation.
  • 2016, Alastair Bonnett, translated by 黃中憲, 《地圖之外:47個被地圖遺忘的地方,真實世界的另一個面貌》 [Off the Map: Lost Spaces, Invisible Cities, Forgotten Islands, Feral Places and What They Tell Us About the World]‎[2], page 247:
    However, a more pertinent aspect of their complex heritage is that the Gagauz are one of the most culturally Russianised groups in Moldova, with many preferring to speak Russian rather than Gagauz.
  • 2019 December 2, 沈坤彧, “晨报记者专访魔兽圈中的‘欧洲皇帝’Happy ‘不是每个人都能赚很多钱,在这行生存很难’”, in 《新闻晨报》, page 16:
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  • 1865, 何秋濤, 《北徼彙編》[3]:
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 2015, 謝國斌, “烏克蘭的族群政治”, in Taiwan International Studies Quarterly, volume 11, number 3, page 132:
    然而,在語言使用上,俄羅斯語在克里米亞、東烏克蘭和南烏克蘭各地都有至少超過七成的高使用率,而烏克蘭語使用人口則集中在烏克蘭的中西部(State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, 2001)。
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  • 2019, 藍天 [lántiān], “前蘇聯地區的聖經翻譯事工”, in 《威克理夫通訊》[4], page 2:
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