Chinese citations of 態勢态势 (tàishì)

  • 1973 October 10, 蔣中正, 中華民國六十二年國慶紀念告全國軍民同胞書:
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 2014, 吳希艷, 《孫子兵法大智慧》, New Taipei: 新潮社, →ISBN, page 122:
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 2020 May 20, 白宫 (Báigōng) [White House], 美国对中华人民共和国的战略方针 [United States Strategic Approach to the People’s Republic of China]:
    正如《核态势评估》(Nuclear Posture Review)所述,本届政府正在优先考虑三位一体核力量的现代化,包括发展辅助能力,以阻吓北京使用大规模杀伤性武器或者发动其他战略攻击。 [] 美国军方与解放军交往,建立有效的危机沟通机制,包括化解突发态势的响应渠道。
    As described in the Nuclear Posture Review, the Administration is prioritizing the modernization of the nuclear triad, including the development of supplementary capabilities designed to deter Beijing from using its weapons of mass destruction or conducting other strategic attacks [] The United States military engages with the PLA to develop effective crisis communication mechanisms, including responsive channels for de-escalation in unplanned scenarios.