
English citations of 90210ish

Adjective: "of, relating to, or characteristic of the American television series Beverly Hills, 90210"

1993 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2007
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1993 March 24, Daniel John Windfelder, “TRIBECA -- Anyone see it?”, in[1] (Usenet):
    After all the stupid sitcoms and 90210ish garbage, its[sic] nice to see some sort of quality programming on the itty bitty channel.
  • 1993 March 26, Steven R. Aubuchon, “Picture in TV Guide”, in[2] (Usenet):
    BTW, TV Guide gave the show the thumbs up, and said that after the graduation special, there's a chance that there will be a new series eith[sic] the cast members in college. Kind of sounds 90210ish, but who knows?
  • 1995 October 1, Kuik SJ, “Re: Generation X vs. Gen13”, in rec.arts.comics.marvel.xbooks[3] (Usenet):
    Gen13 is basically 90210ish in the sense that they look great and dress great and seem to have no angst at all.
  • 1996 February 15, LynnsterMc [username], “Thoughts on 2/14”, in[4] (Usenet):
    The pregnancy thing. It was predictable, many of us were expecting it - and it also doesn't seem to fit the PO5 mold. It's bordering on being more 90210ish or Melrose-ish.
  • 1996 March 20, Virginia L. Mattson, “Case of weird and unexplained nature...”, in[5] (Usenet):
    I'd say in this day and age of 90210ish TV, their relationship as caring friends and partners without the physical involvement (at least as far as we see...) is an X-Files case all in itself!!!! 8^D
  • 1997 March 6, MARLENE G., “how much $ did Grif get?”, in[6] (Usenet):
    Seemed very contrived...a way to get Griffin back on the show without worrying about money...a little to[sic] 90210ish for me.
  • 1997 December 9, Anita, “AW: Let's do the FFing Rant! (was: Another Incestual World)”, in[7] (Usenet):
    I stopped long enough to see Etta Mae and Toni go at it, but the Dating Game was too 90210ish for me.
  • 1998 January 28, veronica, “Re: HARDCORE4CHRIST!”, in alt.punk[8] (Usenet):
    some of them happen to overlap...not conforming to mainstream ANYTHING, being civil to others, hating organized institutions that brainwash, disliking the rich for what they do to the lower/working class, knowing that money doesn't matter and being sickened by watching materialistic 90210ish people, not caring what the fuck anyone else says about your lifestyle because it's okay with you.
  • 1998 September 26, Robert Castillo, “Re: H:LOTS season opener!”, in[9] (Usenet):
    Bad points: Annoying 90210ish post-teen angst involving Falsone and Ballard (where's Mikey Kellerman and his 9 millimeter when you really need them).
  • 1999 March 19, TrailerTrash [username], “Tony Schivone gets the line of the week??!”, in t-netz.wrestling.wcw[10] (Usenet):
    After an extended plug for a some 90210ish movie, Tony said "Oh wow, that's something new! A movie about teenagers!"
  • 1999 July 22, Clay, “The Summer Blockbusters of 1999!”, in rec.arts.movies.current-films[11] (Usenet):
    Armageddon Troopers

    A giant lizard from another planet is hurling asteroids at the earth, but Liv Tyler and crew are ready to save the day. Meanwhile Tea Leoni leads a band of 90210ish grunts in search of the lizards[sic] hideout.
  • 2000 April 19, Andy James, “Re: The 80s, The 90s!”, in[12] (Usenet):
    There was a show surprisingly like that in the early nineties. A 90210ish series about four or five struggling musicians, all from different parts of town with different backgrounds, ethnicities, and beliefs.
  • 2000 October 19, Henry McDaniel, “Re: Dark Angel IS better than Buffy”, in[13] (Usenet):
    Well BtVS certainly is 90210ish now. I mean at one point during season 4 I thought I was watching a Soap Opera.
  • 2001 June 28, Opus the Penguin [username], “Re: 5 * POLL: Gilmore Girls”, in[14] (Usenet):
    The Chilton scenes are, as usual, problematic for me. Very 90210ish. The way Paris handles her insecurity just doesn't ring true. It seems like laziness on the part of the writer(s) to set up such a falsely blatant rivalry rather than going for subtlety and subtext.
  • 2007 August 8, Mark R. Cusumano, “Re: Charmed is Forever Charmed in Denmark”, in[15] (Usenet):
    It wasn't until after they killed her character that the story lines got less soap opera/90210ish.