
English citations of Amazonification

  • 2002, Dermot A. McCormack, Web 2.0, Aspatore Books, →ISBN, page 163:
    Customers have gotten used to what I call the "Amazonification" of services. (I am referring not to the South American river, but to the online retailer
  • 2011, John Palfrey, Urs Gasser, Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives,, →ISBN, page 359:
    We are witnessing the Amazonification of libraries. Digitization has meant that books—in their classic, bound format—aren't the only way to convey information. Patrons have more options than they used to.
  • 2017 November 16, Francoise Carre, Chris Tilly, Where Bad Jobs Are Better: Retail Jobs Across Countries and Companies, Russell Sage Foundation, →ISBN, page 8:
    The growing "Amazonification" of retail—shifting sales online and in the process greatly shrinking some sectors of retail such as book and record stores—does call this immobility into question.
  • 2020 May 6, Francisco J. Martínez-López, Steven D'Alessandro, Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce: First International Conference, 2020, Springer Nature, →ISBN, page 189:
    As far as we know, no study has tried to identify analytically on which specific aspects Amazonification acts in concrete terms.
  • 2022 February 28, Cecilia Kang, “Here Comes the Full Amazonification of Whole Foods”, in The New York Times[1], →ISSN:
    More than four years ago, Amazon bought Whole Foods for $13 billion. Now the Amazon-ification of the grocery chain is physically complete, as showcased by the revamped Whole Foods store in Glover Park.

French citations of Amazonification

  • 2015 September 15, Franck Pasquale, Black Box Society. Les algorithmes secrets qui contrôlent l'économie et l'information, FYP editions, →ISBN, page 146:
    L’Amazonification, la Facebookisation et la Twitterification pointent aussi leur nez. Certains vont couler les vénérables institutions des médias. D’autres, comme le préconise le capital-risqueur Marc Andreessen, investiront.
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 2019 August 20, Patricia Brun, Stratégies internationales. Enjeux et valeurs de la transformation digitale et nouveaux modèles économiques, Editions Ellipses, →ISBN:
    ... après avoir racheté Whole Foods, a ouvert ses premiers magasins sans caissier où les courses se font en trois minutes chrono et le paiement à la sortie avec son smartphone. C’est l’Amazonification du shopping où les deux géants []
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 2020 October 28, DENYS BRUNEL, Le crépuscule des héritiers: Dans les coulisses de nos grandes entreprises, Nouveau Monde Editions, →ISBN:
    Aujourd’hui, l’ubérisation, l’amazonification, sont des bouleversements fulgurants, ils peuvent faire disparaître les entreprises dont la réactivité est insuffisante. « Tout le monde a peur de se faire ubériser, constatait récemment []
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)