
English citations of Americanicity

  • 1999 January 1, Yahya R. Kamalipour, Images of the U.S. around the World: A Multicultural Perspective, SUNY Press, →ISBN, page 150:
    A Multicultural Perspective Yahya R. Kamalipour. Americanicity in British television advertisements An evening watching British television advertisements will reveal that adver- tisers employ the codes of Americanicity quite freely []
  • 2016 April 8, Sonia Cunico, Jeremy Munday, Translation and Ideology: Encounters and Clashes, Routledge, →ISBN:
    ... Americanicity ' ( term created by analogy to Barthes ' ' Italianicity ' ) . In the Anglo - Saxon world , Americanicity evokes values such as independence , freedom / liberty , democracy , progress for all , etc. 5. Bang and Olufscn's []
  • 2006, The Translator:
    ... Americanicity and all the values associated with this term . As stated above , in the Anglo - Saxon world , ' Americanicity ' tends to have predominantly positive connotations and is assumed to be closely linked to independence []
  • 2009 October 26, Anat First, Eli Avraham, America in JeruSALEm: Globalization, National Identity, and Israeli Advertising, Lexington Books, →ISBN:
    ... Americanicity (see Avraham & First, 2003) in a large sample of advertisements, taking as axiomatic that such a “message” or “image” is not unidimensional. Instead, Americanicity is a pastiche of all the components that are presented in []