
English citations of Ameriklan

  • 1974, Joseph Bruchac, The Last Stop: Writings from Comstock Prison:
    They are all Ameriklan death weapons ! []
  • 2012 May 11, Lukman, The Black Muslim Manifesto Ii: A Luta Continua, Author House, →ISBN, page 58:
    Minister Farrakhan “The Obama Deception was easy for me to see through because the ameriklan ruling class does to you'll exactly what I would do to you if I was wicked and in charge!” - Lukman I'm sorry but we cannot simply say “oops” []
  • 1999, The African-American Male: An Annotated Bibliography, Greenwood:
    Spain asserts that being poor , Black or both makes one unimportant to the " Ameriklan " society and therefore unworthy of rehabilitation and respect while in prison . 112. Tardiff , K. , Gross , E.M. , and Messner , S.F. “ A Study of []