Citations:Asclepias buchenavianus

Translingual citations of Asclepias buchenavianus

  • 1997, Emil K. Urban, C. Hilary Fry, Stuart Keith, editors, The Birds of Africa, volume V (overall work in English), San Diego · London: Academic Press, →ISBN, Order Passeriformes, Sylviidae, Old World warblers (C. Erard, C. H. Fry, L. G. Grimes, M. P. S. Irwin, S. Keith, P. C. Lack, D. J. Pearson and A. Tye), page 288/1:
    In S Karoo nest often built of dry strips of grey bark of Asclepias buchenavianus, lined with fluffy seeds of Eriocephalus spp.; often neat, (resembling that of Apalis), sited mostly in woody vegetation, shrubs of Pteronia pallens, Osteospermum sinuatum, Galenia fruticosa and Rosinia humilis, also in succulents such as Malephora lutea.
  • 2000, Ernst Van Jaarsveld, Ben-Erik Van Wyk, Gideon Smith, Succulents of South Africa: A Guide to the Regional Diversity, illustrated edition (overall work in English), Tafelberg, →ISBN, page 74:
    Common trees and shrubs include sweet thorn (Acacia karroo), granaatbos (Rhigozum obovatum), Karoo num-num (Carissa haematocarpa), swartstorm (Cadaba aphylla), lammerlat (Asclepias buchenavianus), Karoo guarri (Euclea undulata), and kunibush (Rhus undulata).