Citations:Big Quit

English citations of Big Quit and big quit

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  • 2021 June 30, Lisa Curtis, “Why The Big Quit Is Happening And Why Every Boss Should Embrace It”, in Forbes[1]:
    It is my hope that more bosses will embrace the humanization of work before the big quit hits their office.
  • 2021 December 8, Derek Thompson, “Three Myths of the Great Resignation”, in The Atlantic[2]:
    The low-wage service-sector economy is experiencing the equivalent of “free agency” in a professional sports league. That makes it more like the Big Switch than the Big Quit.
  • 2022 February, Jacob Rosenberg, “Workers got fed up. Bosses got scared. This is how the Big Quit happened.”, in Mother Jones[3]:
    Either way, it is worth remembering when workers cheered each other walking off their jobs, and how their stories offer glimpses into capitalism’s banal injuries. It was an atomized insurgence, but there was a togetherness in the way it added up. It was the Big Quit.