
English citations of Chinese-ish, Chineseish, and chineseish

Adjective: "(informal) somewhat Chinese"

1996 1997 1999 2001
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
    • 1996 March 25, Jeff Templon, “Netscape spontaneously changes font to Chinese or Somesuch”, in comp.os.linux.x[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-09-12:
      Thanks but this is a real problem. The chineseish text (which we've since learned is not chinese) appears to be from some problem with the ATI Mach64 X windows server. Anybody with a solution, please respond.
    • 1997 February 28, Bertil Wennergren, “living languages/ vivantaj lingvoj”, in sci.lang[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-09-12:
      I can very well picture an IAL much like Esperanto but with many more similarities to Chinese. If I were to construct an IAL, I would probably go for a more Chinese-ish kind.
    • 1997 April 18, Daniel A. Foss, “undead bennett demands govt revoke wife's virginity order”, in bit.listserv.fnord-l[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-09-12:
      The Papua-New Guinea Prime Minister, Sir Julius Chan, who if you will pardon the expression, Daniel, does not look the least bit Chineseish from his pictures, has resigned in disgrace, to be replaced by a more reliable Australian toady, and the White Mercenaries, or Security Services Consultants, have been disbanded by resort to a legal flaw in their contract.
    • 1997 October 29,, “Real Kung Fu”, in[4] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-09-12:
      There are certain scenes that David does have a Chinese-ish look,such as when he looks up.
    • 1999 May 27, Allen Thomson, “Titan Missile -- 1955 Status?”, in[5] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-09-12:
      The guy in question is Dr. Tsien (various other spellings have appeared) of CalTech, a colleague of Von Karman. He got zapped by the security mania of the early '50s, sent back to China, and there helped design the CSS-4 and -5, plus penetration aids. There's a book about him titled, IIRC, "The Dragon and the Silkworm." I'm not sure what the CSS-2 Silkworm has to do with it, other than it sounds somewhat Chineseish.
    • 2001 March 14, Jack B, “Soy Sauce Question”, in[6] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-09-12:
      Twinky, yeah... I see traces of ketchup in quite a few Chinese-ish recipes.
    • 2001 May 1, Marina, “Music Video”, in[7] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-09-12:
      Don´t worry, the others weren´t very "true" either... I mean Chucky has no apparent similarities with 2D...although I haven´t heard him sing, (but who knows, maybe his singing-voice could even match his bagpipe-play...). And since when is Contro a Chinese-ish, drooling, small person with a silly grin?