Citations:Chinese virus

English citations of Chinese virus

any virus from China
  • 1938, The Chinese Medical Journal, Volume 53, page 86:
    The Chinese virus seems to be more closely related to the marine type of Mexican virus than to the European virus.
  • 1984, William Gibson, Neuromancer, page 231:
    The Chinese virus has completely penetrated the fabric of the Hosaka.
  • 1990, China Report: Science and Technology:
    It said that the "No 1 Chinese virus," a new kind of computer virus made by a college student through modifying an imported foreign virus in South China's Guangdong Province had already spread to many of the province's important units.
  • 2008, Ciba Foundation, Novel Diarrhoea Viruses, page 41:
    We had great difficulty with the Chinese virus at first.
  • 2009, Paul Roberts, The End of Food, page 198:
    for the Chinese virus to find its way into the ducks of the Red River delta or Mekong Delta or the central plains of Thailand, it helps a lot if, in between those places, you have lots of hugely susceptible chickens.
the virus causing COVID-19
  • 2020 January 22, Associated Press headline[1]:
    Stocks mostly recover on hope for handling of Chinese virus.
  • 2020 March 13, Katie Rogers et al., “Trump Defends Using ‘Chinese Virus’ Label, Ignoring Growing Criticism”, in New York Times:
    Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, said on Twitter that “I don’t understand why China gets upset bc we refer to the virus that originated there the ‘Chinese virus’ Spain never got upset when we referred to the Spanish flu in 1918&1919.”
  • 2020 June 16, David Marcus, “Contact Tracing Is A Fiasco Rejected By Most Americans”, in The Federalist:
    There were supposed to be armies. Grand armies of contact tracers crisscrossing every county in the country on the hunt for the Chinese virus.
  • 2020 September 6, reader letter in Pottstown Mercury[2]:
    Just imagine if Biden had been in the White House when the "China Virus" hit. He would still be hiding out in the White House basement.