
English citations of Duneverse

Proper noun: "(fandom slang) the fictional universe which serves as the setting for the Dune novels"

2002 2003 2006
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2002 March 7, Mike Bruner, “Re: Fremen Fanaticism”, in[1] (Usenet):
    You wouldn't hit with a lot of velocity either, although in the Duneverse one could use poison to make up for that flaw.
  • 2003 January 25, Michael Bruner, “Re: CHOAM”, in[2] (Usenet):
    I got the impression it was more how the major powers in the Duneverse exerted power than a power source in itself (hence why Mohiam didn't mention it in her little talk).
  • 2003 March 7, bobbyhaqq, “Re: A weak defense of Preludes”, in[3] (Usenet):
    Well I will repeat I never said I like the Preludes better than Dune itself, because I don't. I think there is a clear merit in at least House Hark., that being the attention to everyday life in the Duneverse, which I found refreshing and fun.
  • 2003 March 18, Communique [username], “DUNE games (PC) and all original Herbert novels 4 sale!”, in[4] (Usenet):
    I'm listing a couple of DUNE PC games (the two latest Dune games) and the entire Frank Herbert series of DUNE novels on ebay.

    Want to explore more of the Duneverse? (I describe in detail the games on the auction pages)
  • 2003 November 12, Thirsty Viking [username], “Re: Dune Slave -- Life of the Party -- Spoilers”, in[5] (Usenet):
    And all the Fans of Dune (the Novel) I know in real life have always agreed with me that the mini-series was much better than the movie in portaying[sic] the Duneverse.
  • 2006 April 22, Andrew Wheeler, “Re: Hunters of Dune - everybody is back from the dead, links to Earth?”, in rec.arts.sf.written[6] (Usenet):
    Given that all other current-day religions have turned into something unrecognizable in the Duneverse, it does seem a bit odd to have a "Rabbi" running around. But I haven't read the later Frank Herbert books, so it's possible he explained it there.