
English citations of EduTwitter, Edutwitter, and edutwitter

Proper noun: "(Internet) the community of teachers and education-focused users on Twitter"

2015 2018 2019 2020 2021
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2015, Andrew Campbell, quoted in "Are we Entering a Social Eclipse?", UKED Magazine, June 2015, page 12:
    Let's hope we can emerge from this social media eclipse positively, but Campbell warns, “If school leaders want to leverage edutwitter's culture, they must ensure that they can participate without undermining. []
  • 2018, Joseph Bispham, "Don't get sucked into trad vs prog on EduTwitter", Times Educational Supplement, 22 October 2018
    Once upon a time, “EduTwitter” was full of promise and highlighted teaching at its best.
  • 2019, Victoria Hewitt, Making it as a Teacher: How to Survive and Thrive in the First Five Years, unnumbered page:
    EduTwitter is an incredible source of information for educators. I know I wouldn't be in teaching any more if I hadn't joined Twitter in September 2014.
  • 2019, Jodie Lomax, "How I Became The Leader Of Evidence In My School", researchED, February 2019, page 35:
    During the summer of 2016, I somehow found my way onto EduTwitter.
  • 2019, "Oh, the humanities!", Independent Education (Independent Education Union of Australia), Volume 49, Issue, page 33:
    Marco Cimino is a well known figure in Australian Edutwitter.
  • 2019, Gary Jones, "Evidence-Based School Leadership", researchED, June 2019, page 45:
    [] social media and EduTwitter providing a forum for the articulation of views; []
  • 2019, Tim Logan, "Leading with 'impact': A possible counterpoint to tribalism", International School, Volume 22, Issue 1, Autumn/Spring 2019 page 24:
    In our educational debate too, anyone who has spent any time on #eduTwitter in recent years will recognise similar trends: vocal proponents of 'knowledge-rich', 'research-informed' approaches failing to find much common ground with '21st century', inquiry-centred advocates.
  • 2019, Ben King, "Fill Your Library For Free", HWRK Magazine, Autumn 2019, page 25:
    Worth noting this can be done through an independent book store (as many people on EduTwitter told me) however we wanted to make this as easy, cheap and user friendly for our community as possible and Amazon was easily the best way.
  • 2020, Clare Brooks, "Teacher identity, professional practice and online social spaces", Geography Education in the Digital World: Linking Theory and Practice (eds. Grace Healy & Nicola Walshe), unnumbered page:
    In this sense, EduTwitter, and other forms of social media, are not benign spaces for teacher professional development as claimed by some (Caron, 2011), but but become spaces of performance.
  • 2020, Angela Browne, Lighting the Way: The Case for Ethical Leadership in Schools, page 92:
    When one scrolls through the EduTwitter feed and witnesses the amount of self-flagellation and denigration going on at our own hands, one realises the power that a sprinkling of self-compassion could have for our workforce.
  • 2020, "A BIG Thank You", Educate Magazine, May 2020, page 22:
    The way in which the media reported that all schools were closed, and insinuated teaching and non-teaching staff weren't working, upset the #edutwitter community and quite rightly so.
  • 2020, "Moving on to pastures new", Educate Magazine, September 2020, page 15:
    Patrick is a well-known figure on #Edutwitter.
  • 2020, Andy McHugh, "Letter From The Editor", HWRK Magazine, Winter 2020, page 68:
    You have also taken greater ownership of your own CPD, with more teachers from across the UK coming together to discuss new strategies, policies and curriculum ideas, in the (wonderful?) world of #EduTwitter.
  • 2021, Emma Gray, "Going solo", Prep School Magazine, Spring 2021, page 72:
    The rise of #EduTwitter and other social media platforms, may have even given way to a greater element of competitiveness between teachers during this planning process and they are certainly a great source of insight for NQTs to research ideas for their own learning environments.