
English citations of Esperanto

  • 1934 October, “Esperanto — A Tongue All Men Can Easily Learn”, in The Rotarian, volume 45, Rotary International, →ISSN, page 48:
    Furthermore, by learning difficult foreign languages, the pupil is overburdened in contrast to the ease with which he could acquire Esperanto.
  • 1991 September, Stephen Fry, chapter 10, in The Liar, London: Heinemann, →ISBN, →OCLC, pages 223–224:
    The dream, you see, was to invent an international language, like Esperanto, that would also serve as a lingua franca between man and machine.
  • 1994, John Edwards, John R. Edwards, Multilingualism, Routledge, →ISBN, page 45:
    There is little doubt that, foremost among constructed languages though it is, Esperanto has not — particularly in recent times — captured a sufficient amount of general attention to become the functioning worldwide auxiliary its proponents wish.
  • 1995, C. K. Ogden, Psyche: An Annual General and Linguistic Psychology 1920-1952, C. K. Ogden, →ISBN, page 13:
    Study courses of Esperanto and Ido have been broadcast. In the possibility of radio uses of a constructed language — and such experiments are proving successful — vast sums of money and untold social forces may be involved.
  • 2004, Steven Roger Fischer, A history of language, Reaktion Books, →ISBN, page 180:
    The first practical constructed language was the south-west German Pastor Schleyer's Volapük from 1879; its complicated grammar and irregular vocabulary made learning difficult, however. The most successful has been Esperanto, devised by the Warsaw ophthalmologist Ludwig Zamenhof in 1887, that today can count some one million speakers.
  • 2008, Helen Fryer, The Esperanto Teacher, BiblioBazaar, LLC, →ISBN, page 13:
    In Esperanto each letter has only one sound, and each sound is represented in only one way. The words are pronounced exactly as spelt, every letter being sounded.
  • 2008, Geoffrey Sutton, Concise Encyclopedia of the Original Literature of Esperanto, Mondial, →ISBN, page 572:
    For him Esperanto is principally a language of poetry, which he uses to express his feelings and thoughts. He also writes poetry in Russian, and some poems of his exist in both Esperanto and Russian versions.

German citations of Esperanto

  • 1999, “Esperanto”, in Esperanto, performed by Freundeskreis:
    Wir besetzen Botschaften in totgesagten Wortschätzen / Esperanto hält Einzug in bundesdeutschen Vorstädten
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)